1. Like a Nightmare

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Hey there! This probably sucks, but imma write it anyways. Enjoy!

Alex's POV

Alex has always liked the idea of snow. He's also always liked the idea of living in 'the big city'. However, now that he's actually walking through the snow covered streets of New York, he decided that snow is evil, and the 'big city' looks threatening after sunset.

He kicked a rock out of his path on his way to his cousins. I can take care of myself, he thought angrily. By the time he got inside the house, it was dark out.

"Where were you?!" Peter yelled. Alex was startled. He just went for a walk, and he really wasn't gone for long at all. Why was he so upset?

Peter ushered him inside, checking him over for injuries of any sort. "I go to use the restroom for five minutes and you're nowhere to be seen! I was about to call the cops!" he ranted.

I'm sorry, Alex signed, shaking slightly. I just went for a short walk.

Peter deflated, seeing that he was scaring the boy. "Well," he said, walking into the kitchen, "the next time you decide to go on a walk, please, please, please, tell me first. You almost gave me a heart attack."

I will, he signed, taking a seat at the table.

"Here," said Peter, "dinners ready." He served Alex and himself a plate then took a seat.

Thanks, signed Alex.

"I know that this isn't an ideal situation for you, and that you would much rather be back in Nevis right now, but I want you to feel comfortable here. Maybe even say a few words every now and then?"

Alex shoved some food in his mouth and avoided eye contact. He hasn't spoken in years, and he definitely wasn't about to start speaking now.

Peter sighed and pushed his food around his plate with his fork. "I remember when I would go to visit y'all each summer when you were little. You were so happy and energetic. You would sing non-stop for hours on end. Why'd you stop, Alex?" He said.

Alex shrugged and looked down at his plate. Peter wouldn't understand. He wasn't there. Peter sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He stood up and put their dirty plates in the sink, before heading to his room with a simple 'goodnight'.

Alex stood up and went to his own room and lied down to go to sleep.


He was lying in bed with his mom, deathly sick. You could smell their vomit on the sheets. His brother James was taking care of them, nursing them back to health.

Alex's mother was singing to him weakly, trying to comfort him. 'U-un, deux, t-trois, quatre, cinq, s-six, sept, huit, n-neuf,' she sang. Her voice was getting quieter and quieter. She was losing strength quickly.

'U-un, d-deux, t-trois, quatre, c-cinq, s-six, s—' she couldn't even make it to ten. She was gone. Alex held onto his mom, sobbing harshly. Why do they always have to leave?

Alex shot up in bed, breathing heavily. He wiped the tears from his eyes and shook away the memory of that night.

7:30 am. That leaves him with thirty minutes to get ready for his first day of school. He threw on some fresh clothes and brushed his teeth before going to the kitchen to eat a bowl of cereal. Once he was done, he grabbed his backpack and walked out the front door.

Crap. Peters car was still in the driveway. He was late for work. Alex dropped left backpack on the driveway, and ran inside.

He knocked hurriedly on his cousins bedroom door. No answer. He knocked harder. Still no answer. If this is some kind of 'master plan' to get me to speak, Alex thought, It's not going to work. He turned the knob, and opened the door.

********TRIGGER WARNING*******

There was Peter, hanging from a rope with a chair slightly off to his side. Alex froze at the sight, not believing his eyes. Memories overwhelmed him and he fell to the floor in tears.

A man shoving him against the wall and punching him in the gut. His mother stood powerless off to the side while he cried.

Watching his mom slowly get weaker and weaker while he healed. While he lived.

Being trapped underneath a fallen roof, while his brother was drowned by the rising waters.

Alex stood up and ran out of the house and to the neighbors. He pounded on their door until a man came out looking startled. Alex tried to say something. Anything. But he couldn't even get out a simple 'help'. He was too choked up.

He grabbed the man by the wrist and rushed him into the house and to Peter's room, gesturing wildly. The man gasped in shock before pulling out his phone and calling for help.

Alex watched as they covered Peter's body in a white sheet. They said that he was gone before Alex had even woken up.

Alex spent that night at a nearby boys home. His last thought before falling asleep was, 'Why do they always leave?'


That next morning, a social worker found Alex some foster parents. Their names were Martha and George Washington, and they were the closest available foster parents who new sign language.

The ride to their house was silent. When they got inside, Mr. Washington showed Alex to his room so that he could unpack. He put all of his clothes in the drawers and placed his stuffed lion, Lin, neatly on the bed. Eventually, he was called down to eat lunch.

While they ate, Mr. Washington told Alex about the new school he would be going to. "There are these boys in your grade called John, Hercules, and Lafayette," he explained, "They're very friendly with everyone, and will probably try to befriend you immediately. They can be a bit overwhelming, but they mean well."

Alex nodded, not really listening. He continued to push his food around his plate. "Son, you need to eat," said Mr. Washington.

Don't call me son, Alex signed. He grudgingly took a bite of his food before pushing his plate to the center of the table.

"I know that you've been through a lot these past few days," the man said tiredly, "but we need you to cooperate with us so that we can help you. Son—"

I'm not your son, Alex signed, tears already forming in his eyes as he got worked up.

"I understand that your hurt and upset," Washington said. No he doesn't, Alex thought, he wouldn't understand unless all of it happened to him.

"And you have every right to be," he continued, "I just want you to know, son—"

CALL ME SON ONE MORE TIME!, Alex signed aggressively, standing up from his seat. He wiped the tears from his eyes and looked at the shocked faces of Mr. & Mrs. Washington. He ran his hand through his hair before signing weakly, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight.

He ran upstairs while holding in tears, only letting them out once the door was closed. Everything's moving too fast, he thought, I just need everything to slow down. He laid on the bed and held Lin, the only thing of his that survived the hurricane, to his chest while he sobbed.

A knock on the door startled him from his thoughts. "Alex?" A female voice said. Mrs. Washington. "We just want you to know that if you ever need to talk, we're here, okay? Sleep well."

Alex only relaxed when he heard her footsteps fade away. He didn't trust these people. They're practically strangers. His only comfort that night was the hope that maybe, just maybe, tomorrow would be better.

Posted: 3/25/2020

So, what did y'all think? This is the first Hamilton story I've ever done, so this is foreign territory for me. Don't forget to leave a comment!

Question Of The Day: Who's your favorite Hamilton character?

Hamiltrash Tip: If you go on YouTube and search 'brrah brrah i am hercules mulligan', you can watch the full musical!

Thanks for reading!- SunkissedChild (yes I changed my name)

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