20. All I Want

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Hey guys! This is the last angsty chapter! After this, y'all can live in fluff! Enjoy!

John's POV

John raced off down the hall, not knowing where he was going but not caring either. He just wanted to get away from... well, everything. It was all too much.

He was running as fast as he could, sight blurred by the tears in his eyes. There is no escape, he thought, this is my life now.

When John two years old, his mom lost her fight against cancer. When he was six, his sister was hit by a drunk driver. His dad used to be a kind, loving father. But after his wife and daughter died, he turned to drinking.

Pretty soon he was beating his son each and every day. So, John turned to the only person who made him feel loved. Francis Kinloch.

He manipulated John, making him believe that he actually cared about him. He told him that if he loved him, then he would help him to do whatever it was he needed help with. Keying someone's car, stealing some cigarettes, drinking, and more.

John listened. He was fooled by Francis' loving act. His kind words. He just wanted to feel loved. He fell right into his trap.

He was running so fast that he ran straight into the very person he wanted to avoid the most: Kinloch. "What's wrong darlin'?" he frowned, helping John up.

John didn't answer, instead letting the larger boy drag him into a nearby broom closet. Francis wipes his tears, looking down at him with fake concern. "You didn't tell them, did you?" he sneered, his facial expression darkening momentarily.

John shook his head hurriedly, terrified by the furious look in his eyes. Francis frowned, becoming 'concerned' once more. "Then what's wrong, darlin'?" he cooed.

John couldn't stop the tears from falling. "I just want to be with Alex," he sobbed, cringing at how desperate he sounded.

Francis pushed him against the wall angrily, glaring down at him. Suddenly his glare turned into a sick smirk and he leaned close to John's ear. "Well, do you know what I want?" he whispered coldly, "All I want is you."

He hooked his hand in the belt loop of John's jeans, tugging them down slowly. This time he didn't stop.

John closed his eyes, letting himself shut down and blocking out his emotions until he was numb to the sick things Francis was doing to him.

(I'm crying 😭 Help meh!)


Alex's POV (5 minutes ago)

Alex was walking through the halls towards his dorm, head held low. He didn't understand. None of this made any sense to him. Everything was going great... and then it wasn't.

He didn't have the energy to sign anymore. He had no motivation to do his schoolwork. He didn't even want to write. I just want to go home, Alex thought, shocking himself. I just want to be with Mom and Dad.

He stopped in his tracks at the sound of yelling from down the hall. "I CANT TELL YALL!", someone yelled. Alex's breath caught in his throat. He knew that voice. It was John.

Alex ran after him, passing by his friends who followed them down the hall. They weren't far behind him, in fact, Alex was just behind him.

But then Laff grabbed him by the arm, stopping him from going any further. "Mon ami, don't! Give him some time to calm down," Laff panted.

No! There's something wrong! I can tell! I just need to talk with him! Please! Kinloch's blackmailing him! Alex signed desperately, pleading with his friends.

"Alex..." Peggy sighed, giving him a look of pity.

You wouldn't understand! You've never been in that situation before! Alex turned around to follow John, but he wasn't there. He looked back at his friends with tear filled eyes before walking off down the hall, messing with the sleeves of his jacket anxiously. His friends walked a small distance behind him.

Ever since John had broken up with him, nothing had been the same. He just wanted things to be back to the way they were before all of this began. He wanted to be happy. He wanted to be with John.

That was when he heard it. Two voices inside a nearby broom closet. One was panting (😭), the other was sobbing quietly. His friends heard it too. "Stop! Please, stop!" It was John.

Time seemed to slow down. Peggy pulled out her phone to call 911, tears streaming down her face. Herc was pounding on the door, screaming for Kinloch to stop. Laff was holding Alex back, both of them crying silently.

There was the sound people shuffling around inside, then things being moved around. They could hear sirens from outside the building and running footsteps coming up the stairs. People were stepping outside of their dorms in shock.

Police came rushing down the hall just as Herc finally kicked the door open. Francis stood inside, holding a pocket knife to a naked John's neck. "NO!" Laff screamed running forward, but Herc pushed him away.

"GET BACK!" yelled the policemen with the name 'Seabury' on his uniform. "DROP THE WEAPON!"

Kinloch looked around frantically, a crazed look in his eyes. Then he moved his arm, swiping the knife—

The sound the gun going off echoed down the hall. Kinloch fell to the floor in a heap and Alex ran to John, both of them falling to the floor in sobs. The smaller boy took his jacket off, wrapping it around the other.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you," John sobbed, clutching onto Alex as he cried.

I love you too, Alex signed, holding John close to him as the paramedics covered Kinloch's body in a white sheet.

"For shame," sighed the officer.

"Can you stand?" a parametic asked John kindly, pulling a stretcher close to him and holding out his arm to help him. John nodded tearfully, standing shakily to his feet and laying down on the stretcher. Alex grabbed his hand.

As the ambulance drove them away, Alex and John found themselves smiling in relief. They were free.


That was the last piece of angst I shall hit y'all with. YALL CAN LIVE IN FLUFF NOW. In case you didn't figure it out, Francis was the person that the poll was about. At the end of the day, there were 9 votes for life and 11 votes for death sooo... that happened. On the other note, THERE'S ONLY TWO MORE CHAPTERS LEFT IN THIS STORY! *squeals in fangirl*

QOTD: So, what happens next?

Thanks for reading! -SunkissedChild5

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