2.1K 87 237

Hey guys! We've reached 2K reads (almost 3K) so, as a reward I'm doing a Author Q&A! Send in any questions you have for me and I'll post the answers here! (CLOSED)

Rules: Try not to ask personal questions like age, gender, or location. Ask the kind of things that I might use as a QOTD.

Who is your favorite Hamilton character? -Kat_is_the_hat

SunkissedChild5: John Laurens is the most adorable thing to walk the planet and nothing can convince me otherwise! Mah sweet gay son! *wipes tear from eye*


How long have you been a part of the Hamilton fandom? -mtrull-1209

SunkissedChild5: Well... f-funny story. *laughs nervously* I've only b-been a part of the H-Hamilton fandom for one m-month. *hides under blanket*


Do you know the muffin man? -Krii-Sttupidd-Chh

SunkissedChild5: Oh, yes! I know the muffin man! *laughs in Shrek*


Meggy or Marliza? -lams_or_jamilton

SunkissedChild5: Hmm... tough choice. I think I'm gonna have to choose Peggy just because I feel like she deserves more happiness, you know?


Are you okay? Like mentally and physically. -ThisBoiCanGacha

SunkissedChild5: You're actually the first person who's asked me this in like... forever, so thank you! Yes actually, I'm doing great! The one good thing that this quarantine has done for me is free up my schedule. Now that I have less to do, I have less to stress over. How are y'all though?


Do you ship Jeffmads? -Sherph518

SunkissedChild5: Honestly, I hardcore ship Jeffmads. There's just so many time in the musical where Jemmy is freaking adorable with Jefferson and I love it sooo much! Jeffmads is flippin adorable uwu


What character do you most relate to in Hamilton? -Sherph518

SunkissedChild5: I would definitely be Peggy. Well... at least Fandom Peggy. I'm a wild, ADHD extrovert who loves the color yellow and is a very childish and happy person. However, if you mess with me or my friends I will roast your butt (but not butt) into the ground and leave you bruised and crying. Peggy is mah spirit animal.


Does anybody from your school, or just friends in general, know that you write on the internet? -AngelicxStories

SunkissedChild5: Yes actually! So, 99% of my friends are all guys who for the most part do not Wattpad. I'd say that there's about 20 people that know I write here. However, only like five of them actually read my stories.


When are you going to have Alex find his voice? -Wth277448

SunkissedChild5: Well... I actually have two different plans for that. However, the one I'm probably gonna go with will definitely take a while. If y'all are with me in the long run though... I think it's a pretty amahzing idea! *smug look*


(This is technically not a question but imma use it anyways)

(This is technically not a question but imma use it anyways)

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Create your own chart! -lams_or_jamilton

SunkissedChild5: Well... here goes nothing:

=========================Thanks guys! -SunkissedChild5

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Thanks guys! -SunkissedChild5

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