14. I'll Be Fine

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Hey guys! Of course, I as your evil author, cannot completely free y'all of angst. Luckily this isn't very angsty but still... Anyways, enjoy!

John's POV

When John woke up, he had a pounding headache. His throat burned and his nose was completely stuffed. Not to mention he felt as if he'd been hit by a truck.

He carefully scooted away from Alex and pulled the blankets off of himself, trying to escape the burning heat of the room. Alex whined and reached around in his sleep, looking for his missing boyfriend. John tentatively grabbed his hand with a smile.

They stayed like that for the next few hours, Alex asleep and John feeling like crap. Eventually, Alex woke up and the boys headed into the kitchen.

Do you want some coffee? Alex asked pouring himself a cup.

"No thanks," John sighed, taking a seat at the table. He saw Alex frown at him with concern and he gave him a weak smile. Alex didn't seem convinced.

It wasn't like John to skip out on their morning cup of coffee.

"Good morning, boys!" Mr. Washington yawned stepping into the kitchen with his wife at his side. Everybody took a seat at the table with some cereal and chatted away. Except for John.

John was slumped in his seat with his head in his hands. He hadn't said a word, not he hadn't taken a bite of his cereal.

Alex grabbed his hand from under the table, smiling at him softly. The constant chatter at the table was only making John's headache worse.

Can we go to the park? Alex asked the Washingtons, clearing John and his spots. They nodded at him quickly, before continuing their conversation.

John followed Alex across the street tiredly, not really paying much attention. He just wanted to go inside and go back to sleep for the rest of the day.

Alex led him to a nearby bench and they sat down, John shivering despite the warm summer air. Kids were running around, playing tag happily. And loudly. Too loudly for John.

His headache got worse with every happy scream of the kids and his body hurt just sitting there. Alex and him didn't speak and Alex could tell that there was something wrong with John.

He leaned forward, trying to ease the pain in his head and body. It wasn't working. It just got worse and worse until eventually he was leaning on Alex, shivering.

Alex was looking down at him with concern, stroking John's hand with his thumb. Suddenly, John couldn't take it anymore and he let out a small whimper. "I feel like crap," he whispered quietly, hoping that his boyfriend could hear him.

Alex frowned and stood up. We should go home so that you can lay down, he signed. John stood up with him, following him back towards the house.

As he walked he began to feel lightheaded and dizzy. He didn't even realize when he'd fallen to the ground halfway across the road.


When John woke up next, Alex was looking down at him with watery eyes and a mask on his face. They were in a hospital room and the Washington's were standing outside, talking with John's doctor.

(I considered doing something absolutely evil right here, but nah... I'll save it for later 😏)

Alex pressed a button on the side of John's bed, letting the doctor know that he was awake. "What happened?" John breathed, looking around the room in shock.

You passed out, Alex frowned as the doctor walked inside also wearing a mask.

"Hey John!" said the man in the scrubs, "How are you feeling?"

"A bit better," John yawned, sitting up slightly. Luckily, his headache seemed almost nonexistent at that point.

"Well," said the doctor, "Unfortunately, you seem to have a bad case of the flu. We've treated you with Tamiflu and ibuprofen and now, all we can do is wait it out."

John nodded, knowing that the flu shouldn't be a problem for a healthy eighteen year old. The doctor left the room and Alex tried to take a seat next to John.

"Lex, we shouldn't be touching. I don't want you to get sick," John frowned, looking at the smaller boy in front of him.

I don't care, John, Alex signed, looking at him with teary eyes. It occurred to John that Alex's mom died when she got sick.

Please don't leave me. Tears began to leak from Alex's eyes and John wished that he could wipe them away.

"Hey, I'm going to be okay," John whispered, "The flu's not normally deadly unless your really old or really young. I'm going to be fine."

Alex still didn't seem convinced and he bounced his leg nervously. He stayed by John's side until the doctor released him to go home.

When they finally got back home, John was moved back into the guest bedroom so that he was less likely to get anyone else sick. He wasn't exactly happy about it, but he knew it was for a good reason. He didn't want to get Alex sick.

Every few hours, Mrs. Washington would bring him some chicken noodle soup, but other than that, it was just John and the guest bedroom tv.

He stayed there all day long watching tv and trying not to completely go crazy from boredom. It was rather difficult.

That night, he laid in bed missing Alex. He was so used to being able to hold him all night and just have him nearby. It was odd not to be able to just turn around and see him there.

Around midnight he heard the guest bedroom door creak open and he saw Alex slip into the bed with him. He cuddled up close to John looking him in the eyes tiredly, wearing a mask.

"Lex, I don't want you to get sick—" Alex put his finger to John's lips, shushing him. He pointed to his mask silently before laying his head on John's chest and going to sleep. John just sighed, knowing that there was no use arguing with him.

4/15/2020 (barely)

I wrote this at midnight, so sorry if it's trash. I had the flu a few months ago and it sucked... but my big group of guy friends all gave me a ton of hugs when I got better so it was okay.

QOTD: How many hours of sleep do y'all usually get? (I know it's random, just go with it)

Thanks for reading! -SunkissedChild5

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