Chapter 2

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6 years later

Clove's POV:

It's been 6 years since my dad left us. My mum recovered pretty quickly and got a job, but we're still pretty poor. Since then, I've trained for longer hours everyday. I usually train from 2:50 pm - 8:30 pm everyday. I would start training earlier, but apparently I need to go to school, so instead of doing school work I read books about things like plants that they may have in the arena. I'm planning on being the most prepared tribute.

I sat at my desk, reading a large book about edible plants. It was rather boring, but I need to know this if I was going to win. In the corner of my eye, I could see a blonde boy with spiky hair walking in my direction. It was the boy that knocked me over 6 years ago. I chose to ignore him and continue reading. The light that was on my book was now gone and I knew that he was standing behind me.

"Do you need something?" I said bluntly before flipping the page.

"What a nerd." The boy laughed. I heard around 4 other boys behind me as well, so I'm guessing they were his friends.

"That's nice." I said sarcastically.

"Is the little nerd to afraid to look at me?" He taunted when I didn't look up at him. I could feel my blood boil. I have always had a short temper.

"No, I'm just not bothered to look at trash." I said as I continued to read my book. He walked to the front of me and looked at me.

"Plants." He laughed as he read the cover of the book.

"Don't tell me, you're going to identify plants for the Hunger Games." He laughed. That's when I snapped, but I tried to control my anger.

"I wish I could kill you." I mumbled. He obviously heard, because he started scowling at me.

"Come at me nerd." He said loudly. I snapped my book closed and stood up.

"Fine. Training centre at 3:00 pm." I said coldly.

"Fine by me." He said as his friends laughed. He had an arrogant smirk plastered on his face and I knew that he thought that he would win.

I dramatically turned and left them all standing at my desk. This was going to be fun.

The day passed incredibly slowly. Why can't school end already. I groaned in my mind. I couldn't wait to kill that idiot. I just remembered that I knew nothing about that guy. I always tried to remember everyone that could volunteer for my games. They were all older than me, but none were better than me. Then it clicked. His name was Cato Hadley and he is 16. He's specialty is swords and hand-to-hand combat. He's been training since he was 8 and is the typical bad boy that flirts with all of the girls. His family was also one of the richest in District 2. I tried to think of some other things about him, but nothing came to mind.

When it was finally 2:45 pm school ended, I bolted out the door and speed walked to the training centre. As I entered, the smell of metal and blood filled my nose. I was home. It was now 2:48 pm and no one had arrived yet. I guess they are all slow walkers. I made my way over to the change room and changed into some black leggings and I slid a navy singlet over my black sports bra. I then went over to my favourite station, the knives, and started practicing. Everyone always said that I was amazing at knife throwing, but I think that I could still do better.

People started arriving at training at exactly 2:56 pm but Cato was still nowhere to be seen. I wasn't worried. If he didn't come, I could tease him about being a chicken. I smirked at the thought. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 2:59 pm. As the second hand on my watch hit the 12, he dramatically flung the doors open and swaggered in. I looked around and saw that all the girls were swooning over him, but I simply rolled my eyes and shoved my favourite knife in my boot.

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