Chapter 26

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Cato's POV:

I sat on the floor near the tent, waiting for my shift to be over and to wake the others. It was strange only having three careers left, plus the midget that was probably going to die soon. I looked around and looked at Clove sleeping peacefully.

I'm not sure why I treated her like I did, but I think that I'm trying to push her away. The number of tributes are getting smaller and soon, it'll be down to the three of us. I'm really hoping that Marvel will kill Clove for me, because I know that I can't. That way, I'll also have motivation to kill him, since he killed the love of my life.

At the same time, I don't want Clove to die. She deserves to go home and I want to spend as much time with her as possible before one of us die. I'm just conflicted about whether I should stay close to her or push her away.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair and decided to decide later. I watched as the sun peaking out from behind the horizon. I walked over to Clove and shook her awake. I remember her saying something about liking watching the sun rise, so I thought that she would like to see it, because it might just be the last one we see.

She sat up suddenly and looked around, knife in hand. "Oh, it's just you." She said sleepily before laying back down and closing her eyes.

"Come on, Clover. You don't want to miss the sun rise." I whispered. Her eyes snapped open and she sat up. We looked as the sun rose higher into the sky. I sat next to Clove and occasionally glanced over at her. She slightly resembled the girl that would stare up at the stars like a child, but she definitely looked tougher.

The orange and blue hues that filled the sky looked beautiful as the sun rose higher into the sky. We both admired the sunrise before I decided to wake Marvel and Three.

"Marvel, wake up." I practically yelled at him. He mumbled something back, but I didn't catch it.

"Look, there's Glimmer." I gasped. He sat up immediately, his eyes wide. When he didn't see her, he saddened.

"Not funny, man." He pouted.

"Sorry, too soon?" I asked. He nodded and got up. We ate a little bit of the rabbit from last night and can I just say, it tastes amazing.

"Hunting today?" Clove asked.

"No, today we finish the mines." I commanded while looking over at Three. He was munching on a small bone when he replied.

"Their almost done, I've only got to bury it." He explained.

"Good. We'll hunt for food today."

"Why? Because you feel like more meat?" Clove asked icily.

"Because we're all sick of fruit and jerky." She rolled her eyes, but didn't disagree. Marvel stayed silent and tried to stare at anything else.

When Three finished eating, he headed straight to work on the mines. We prepared to head out and checked all of our weapons. I glanced over at Clove and noticed an empty slot in her vest.

"Where's that knife?" I asked, gesturing to the empty slot.

"Fire girl has it." She grumbled. When we were all ready, she started walking into the forest. I'm not too sure where she was heading, but she must've had an idea.

"We are getting no where with this. Let me lead." I said pushing her out of the way after a few hours.

"The only reason we haven't caught anything, is because of your loud footsteps. You're scaring the animals away." She practically yelled.

"Don't blame me for your horrible animal tracking."

"Well, I'm obviously better than you, so I should lead."

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