Chapter Two

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It's the night of the high school reunion. Gunnar spent the morning working out and ran a few miles on the trails that his parents created. The fresh air and pure simplicity of this place are exactly what he needed. Living in the city, it can be chaos and he works in a rough part of town mentoring kids. He loves what he does and knows that he makes a difference but sometimes it's nice to unplug for a moment. When he gets back and starts to get ready for the night, the nerves come on strong. He gives Everett a call for support.

"Hey, Everett!" He says.

"Sup bro!" She says.

"How's the land?" He asks.

"Amazing! I got some good shots. Tomorrow morning we are supposed to have an amazing sunrise so the alarm is set. I am not going to miss that!" She says. "Now tell me why you have really called."

Can't bullshit a bullshitter... You know the saying. "I'm back for the reunion right and I think I saw Victoria drive past me last night when I was leaving the bar," I say.

"Aaaahh the one that got away," She says.

"Do you think she will be there? Do you think she will want to see me? Can you ask Oscar if she would want to see me?" he rants.

"Ok, one thing at a time. First, calm down you are freaking out. Second, of course, she would want to see you. You guys have a history and a good one in fact. It wasn't a bad break up, she really did love you. Third, did you not know about Oscar?" She says.

"What do you mean? What happened to Oscar?" Gunnar says concerned.

"He passed away from cancer. I guess not many people know he was sick. Their family was pretty quiet behind closed doors." Everett says.

"How did I not know or hear about that?!" Gunnar says shocked. "I remember their family was pretty standoffish. We only hung out a bit at her house if her parents were not there but we spent most of our time at our place or the library. I always thought it was because she liked the library." Gunnar says sadly.

"Her home life wasn't that great Gunnar. How did you not see it?" Everett said, concerned.

"I don't know, I guess I was so focused on me. What went on?" He asks.

"That is for her to tell you, I don't know much but I will tell you that she is stronger than mom was in so many ways," Everett says. "I know she broke your heart, but please don't break hers now."

"I hope it doesn't come anywhere close to that. Man, I've got some conversations to prepare for. Have fun at the land Lil sis. Love you!" Gunnar says.

"Love you too bro," She says and hangs up the phone.

Gunnar sits back and contemplates everything that came from that small conversation. He really was in his own world that he didn't even recognize her struggles. They had a lot going on and so did she and she still chose to stand by him and be his anchor in high school. He hopes more than ever she is there so he can apologize for being such a tool.

The school gym is decorated in the school colors and there are balloons everywhere. It's a reminder of homecoming. Tacky cheap decorations. There is a DJ playing some music and everyone is dressed like it is actually homecoming. Well some, Ashley is swinging her hips towards Gunnar in a slinky dress. She comes close and smiles at Gunnar who gives her a forced smile. She isn't touching him but she is still too close and her outfit is a bit much.

"Hey, Gunnar, like my new dress?" She says and does a twirl.

"It's ok, a bit much don't you think?" Gunnar says.

Book 2 - Into the LightWhere stories live. Discover now