Chapter Twenty Five

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Victoria and Gunnar greet everyone as they walk into the house. They are filling the counters with food and drinks talking about how neat this conversion is. Gunnar has put some more music on for background noise and everyone is taking a tour of the house.

"This is seriously impressive!" Josh peeking his head through every single door.

"It was really Victoria's vision," Gunnar proudly states.

"Yeah?" Josh doesn't look surprised.

"Yeah, she picked most of the stuff out and helped build a lot of the stuff here," Gunnar oblivious to Josh's sarcastic comment and puff's his chest out.

"Girl! That's pretty amazing! You are super talented," Richard says.

"Thanks, it was fun!" Victoria shyly responds.

"Want to consider joining my design team? You could work as a consultant?" Josh asks.

"You're joking right?"

"Hell no!" Josh says, "Your tiny house was pretty cool, this is amazing!"

"Trailer!" Henley laughs.

"Ok, whatever, Henley," Josh rolls his eyes at her. "But seriously, consider it!"

"I will! We can talk about the next project you want to do and see if it fits?"

"Deal!" Josh shakes her hand and continues to look around.

"Guys this is incredible," Hudson pokes around a few rooms.

"Hey there are guest rooms for you and Everett if you want to stay here," Victoria says.

"Yeah? We will take you up on it for sure!" Everett excitedly says.

"We definitely need a family game night of monopoly for sure. Maybe after the baby is born, the playing field is even," Hudson suggested.

"I'll still kick your ass," Victoria states.

"Probably," Everett points out.

They start to laugh and Victoria notices Allie has a sunken face. "Allie you are welcome here as well, any time!"

"Really?" She says surprised.

"Just because we are married doesn't mean anything has to change. I made that promise to you years ago and I'm going to be here for you. Whatever you need," Gunnar gives her a hug.

"Thanks, guys," Allie smiles.

"Come on everyone, let's eat!" Victoria motions back to the kitchen.

Everyone makes a plate and takes a seat in the living room. As they are eating Victoria realizes that the bucket list is almost complete. She decides to pull out the journals to show everyone, just to bring Oscar into today.

"Hey, so as you all know I've been keeping up with Oscar's bucket list and I am in the final stages of being complete. As my family I'd love to show you what we've accomplished," She passes the journals around and everyone starts to discuss the different things she's done. At the end is a picture of her and Gunnar from today. It was right after they were getting married. Another picture of everyone together before they left. "Everett, thank you for these two pictures from today,"

"Absolutely!" She says smiling down at the group photo.

Victoria starts to clean up a bit, gathering trash, and heading to the kitchen. Gunnar comes in behind her eyeing the cake set out. "I'll grab plates and stuff," he pulls open cabinets trying to find everything.

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