A Good Friend!

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It's my first day of school and I'm nervous...it's 6:15am it's almost time to leave for school!

I go to school early so I can watch the boys play volleyball I alway did it in middle school..it made me feel so excited when I watched the powerful boys hit the ball and fight to win..I used to watch this boy I'm Not sure what his name is but I watched  him all the time. we went the same school but he didn't know I even existed...but it's ok I don't mind most people don't know who I am I'm not popular at all
I giggle to myself I look at my phone it's 6:20am I need to go! I grab a breakfast bar and run out the door as I step outside I see a boy zoom past on his bike he has bright orange hair and a grin on his face. as I watch him in awe I didn't realise there was a rock in the way of my walking I trip over and Land on my face!
I mentally facepalm really hard
I hear the breaks of a bike and I begin to get flustered
"Are you ok!?"
I hold my head and look up the orange haired boy is standing there holding his hand out to me.
I watched as the boys all played volleyball they all looked so into it...well except from a group of boys they wore a green shirt with matching green shorts. They all looked so different compared to the rest of the teams! But one Boy stood out he had bright orange hair and matching brown glowing eyes he looked nervous but ready to win.
(20 mins later)
The score is 14-23 I'm kinda sad I wanted the orange haired boy to win
Just as this thought goes though my head I see him jump I open my mouth in shock as the other team fails to defend the spike and it lands on the ground with a huge
My mouth hangs open in shock
"....he's a...amazing" I whisper to myself while blushing
(Flashback ends)
I grab the boys hand and he pulls me up
He's that boy I used to watch...
He gently touches my head "does your head hurt?"
I Blush and say "...no I'm ok..."
He smiles brightly "I'm shoyo hinata it's nice to meet you!"
"Oh..**giggle**I'm (y/n) it's nice to meet you to!"
"Do you go to karasuno?" He says excitedly
"Let me give you a lift hop on my bike!" He says while jumping on his bike
"Whatttt....are you sure!" I say embarrassed
"Yesssss get on!"
"What if I'm to heavy for you" I say while squinting my eyes shut
Hinata tilts his head and gets off his bike he walks up to me and picks me up...me being barely 5'0 it's probably not to hard for him to pick me up
"(Y/n) your so light!" He giggles
"Really...t..thank you" with that I hop on his bike and grip onto his shoulders so I don't fall and die! On the way to school we have a nice little chitchat but when we arrive I tell him I'm going to the volleyball club and he says he's going too but I already knew that! I put my hands in my pocket and grab my breakfast bar
"Want half hinata?" I giggle while breaking the bar in half
"Really wow thank you!" He grabs half of the bar and begins to eat it
You know I really think I've made a good friend!

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