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I wake up to the familiar cold hard floor,  I move my arm to rub the sleep out of my eyes but I'm abruptly stopped by the chain on the wall pulling my arm back. I slowly sit up and move backward until my back is touching the damp wall. I close my eyes once more and sigh to myself, normally I would cry but it makes Kageyama even angrier so I've learned to stay quiet,
I hear the door to the basement swing open and slam against the wall "You're awake...good" Kageyama snickers I look up at him and cower back and tuck my knees into my chest "Kageyama please don't hurt me..." I begin to beg "shut up your voice annoys me,  I don't even understand why Hinata would like someone like you...your nothing...but a stupid slut and you know it!" I look down to the ground and rest my head in my knees and begin to sob "so your gonna cry now?"  Be begins to walk closer to me until he's right in front of me he bends down and grabs my face and pulls it up so I'm looking into his eyes"let's make a deal y/ you don't have to get hurt anymore." I look at him "what type of deal?" He smirks and lets go of my face but I remain looking at him "you don't go near Hinata and I let you go and we can pretend this never happened" my eyes grow wide and my head drops "you'll really let me go?" "Mhm but if you start talking to Hinata again then the deals off and I'll just get you again and this time I won't be as nice" I feel a year roll down my eyes as I nod my head in agreement. I hear a sinister laugh before he begins to get the chains off of my arm and leg "You're going to have a shower first." I don't say anything I just keep my head facing down, he pulls me up and tries to make me walk but I instantly hit the ground "Tch so annoying" he picks me up and carries me to the bathroom "you can do this yourself." As I'm freshening up I begin to think 'I can't just ignore Hinata can I? I have to tell him what Kageyama has done' As I finish up Kageyama walks in and throws some clothes at me I put them on and sit there with my head in my hands.
(Hinata's PoV)
I get up and see Kenma sitting next to me playing his switch "hi Kenma!" He looks up at him and smiles "hey shoyo" "where's y/n" "I...umm..I haven't seen her since yesterday." I get up and walk towards the door "I'm gonna go find her see you later Kenma" he waves goodbye and I leave the room. I walk into each room looking for y/n but I can't find her anywhere I walk into the kitchen and see suga standing there with Daichi "have any of you seen y/n" "no sorry Hinata I'm sure she's fine don't worry" Suga says in his normal sweet voice "ok mo- I mean suga" I awkwardly laugh and leave the room. I walk back into the boys sleeping room and sit down next to Kenma "I can't find y/n anywhere" "I last saw her she was with Kageyama" he says while looking up at me, my eyes grow wide and I begin to panic "why was she with Kageyama!" He shrugs his shoulders "not sure I think he was helping her pack the volleyball net away" "Oh? Why would he help her, he doesn't like her" I start to panic even more "huh that is weird...I could help you look?" Kenma says while switching his switch off we both get up and leave the room and the building.
(Y/n PoV)
"Come on I'm gonna leave you in the park" Kageyama snaps at me. I don't say anything I just keep my head facing the ground while he drops me on the cold hard floor I grab his foot and begin to speak "Kageyama wait it's getting dark you can't just leave me here...what if someone tries to take me?!" He kicks me off him "I don't care I hope they do." And with that, he leaves me there alone.

a/n- (please don't hate me for any spelling mistakes I've made I tried hard but its almost Christmas so it's been hard to update)

ill update soon bye byeeeeeee <3

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