XLIII | Double-Sided Sword

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I think it's time you guys experience Angel's feelings for a little...



I lean back against the wall. We're back at the Falcone house, and Dominic paces around me like a thirsty insect. "Just leave it alone! Drop it. Goddamn."

Anything, anything to forget the expression on Cade's face as they dragged her away. Knowing it was my fault, that I had given her up.

"You gave her to the Reaper," Dominic hisses. He is the only one who knows―the rest, Maria and Andre and Gru, have no idea where Cade is. It's been only an hour, and my heart is still beating as fast as it did the moment Cade backed away from me with disgust in her eyes.

"I had to."

"No," Dominic says, furious. "No, no, no! We could have come up with something. We could have hidden her, or―or gone back on the deal!"

"I know the Reaper!" I suddenly shout. "I know him, and I know what he's like! He'd have shot us all down the moment he suspected we even thought of that!"

"Well, was it worth it?" Dominic says bitterly, pure contempt in his eyes. "Was it worth it, giving away someone you loved?"

I open my mouth to yell out in frustration . . . but I can't.

No . . . no, it wasn't worth it.

The realization hits me like a stone. No, it wasn't worth it.

"But what else could I have done?" I say miserably. "How else could it have gone?"

"We could have all went on the run."

"I can't force you guys to do that. I couldn't."

Dominic looks fierce. "It wouldn't be forced. Us, all of us, safe? For Cade's life? I'd think it was fair."

"Since when have you become her advocate?" I say. "It's not a bad thing, it's just . . . I'm surprised."

"She's grown on me," Dominic says. "She makes you happy."

I bury my head in my hands. "But she hates me now. It doesn't matter."

"Then let's fucking save her, damn it!"

A light flickers on in my heart. I hadn't even considered that. Them taking her away . . . it felt like the end. It felt like that was it.

But we could save her. We could get her back.

Maybe she'll loathe me forever, but it doesn't matter: she would be safe, she would be happy . . . even if it's not with me. I'm prepared for that.

Dominic looks at me curiously. "You were supposed to hand her over to the Grim Reaper at midnight, weren't you?"

I nod. "That's when they took her."

"But . . . wait," he says thoughtfully, suddenly stopping mid-pace. "What were you doing, when you were with her?"

"We were on the rooftop above the club―you know the one, with the VIP section in the back."

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