-Dear Abu-

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Hey Diary,

So, today is a rollercoaster of emotions for me. I'm about to take this big step into marriage, and my heart is all over the place. I can't help but think about my dear Abu, the guy who's been there through thick and thin. He's not the type to spill his feelings in words, but his actions have spoken louder than any speech ever could.

Dear Abu,

As I sit down to write these words, my heart overflows with emotions that are difficult to express. There's a bond between us that goes beyond the ordinary; it's a connection forged through the trials and triumphs of life. You've been more than just a father to me; you've been my guiding light, my pillar of strength, and my unwavering support.

Growing up, I often caught glimpses of the sacrifices you made, the sleepless nights you endured, and the silent prayers you offered on my behalf. You never let me see the weight of your burdens, always ensuring that I felt safe and loved. I want you to know that I've seen the tears you shed in solitude, the moments when you turned to Allah for my well-being, and the immense care you poured into every decision you made for us.

You took on the role of both mother and father, shouldering responsibilities that were meant for two. The world might not have seen the depth of your sacrifices, but I did. I saw the way you put your dreams on hold to make sure mine came true. I felt the warmth of your embrace when my heart was heavy, and your quiet strength gave me the courage to face life's challenges.

Abu, you've taught me more than words could ever convey. You've shown me the true meaning of resilience, determination, and unwavering love. Your sacrifices haven't gone unnoticed, and I want you to know that every triumph, every success I achieve, carries a piece of your heart within it.

I know that ammi's death has brought with it regrets and painful reflections. But please understand, Abu, that you cannot dwell on things beyond your control. Life's twists and turns are often beyond our power to change. I know that it was difficult for you to open up about your past, and it made my heart ache too. But trust me, I don't hold you responsible for what has happened. It was Allah's plan, and we must trust His wisdom and His plans.

Abu, our connection is beyond words – it's a connection of shared experiences, quiet moments, and a bond that's unbreakable. I'm thankful for every little thing you've  done, and I'm so proud to be your daughter, now and forever.

As I embark on this new chapter of my life, I want you to know that your presence, your love, and your sacrifices will forever be a part of who I am. Every step I take, every dream I chase, and every accomplishment I achieve will be a testament to your unwavering dedication.

Abu, you are more than just a father to me; you are my hero, my role model, and my guiding star. I am endlessly grateful for the love you've showered upon me, and I am proud to be your daughter. Your sacrifices will never be forgotten, and your love will always be cherished.

Jazakallahu Khair for everything you have ever done for me, Abu. There are thousands of words I couldn't voice to you but, I want you to know that you're the best person I could ever meet and the best blessing.

"zawj" Lut called.

" yes, Lut?" I asked keeping my pen inside my black journal.

" All are waiting for you to join the dinner table. If you're busy with something then it's fine " he smiled.

" give me 5 mins, I'll join y'all " I returned the smile.

I completed the letter with,

You Are always loved for the sake of Allah

Your daughter

-Bint Omar

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