-Resurfacing Memories-

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Al-Baqarah 2:195
And spend in the way of Allah and do not throw [yourselves] with your [own] hands into destruction [by refraining]. And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good.


Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "None of you should wish for death because of a calamity befalling him; but if he has to wish for death, he should say: "O Allah! Keep me alive as long as life is better for me, and let me die if death is better for me.' "
Sahih Al-Bukhari - Book 70 Hadith 575


Luth's PoV

I couldn't believe my eyes!

On:19 April 201x


Yes, Luth, it's me. I can't fathom why I never earned a chance with you. Today, none of my medicines or distractions seem to have any power against the grip you have on my thoughts. Damn it!

The usual remedies are falling short,
I'm not even sufficient for my own self,
I'm not enough.

On:21 April201x


I can't let myself suffer so much Luth, it's unfair!

On:29 April 201x

From: longforgottensoul012@yahoo.com

Hey love, guess what happened today? I ventured out and crossed paths with a group of guys on the subway. Believe me, they weren't as terrible as Mom used to warn, after all.

What in the world got into her, huh? Mingling with total strangers! What the heck is going on here?

On:30 April 201x


Mom was spot-on, Luth. Those folks aren't the good kind! You wouldn't believe what they were doing . They... shwonsbaioanahv zyaoaka ajkab....bshqowbmzka. nbbjooopppppppppp.......

The thought of what would have happened made my stomach churn!

On: 1 May 201x


Luth, I need to apologize sincerely for the recent episode. I unexpectedly drifted off while my fingers rested on the keyboard, and waking up to discover no response from you left me feeling a deep sense of regret and disappointment. It might seem irrational, yet the prospect of overlooking your message evoked genuine distress within me.

In the midst of this, a rather curious question arises: have you ever, even in the slightest, sensed a connection or attraction towards me? I realize it's a peculiar notion, especially considering that you may not even be aware of my existence. But there's something about our conversations that stirs a unique sentiment within me. Is it merely my imagination running wild, or could there be a remote chance that you've intuited this connection too? I fervently hope I haven't completely misconstrued the situation.

On: 12 May 201x

From: longforgottensoul012@yahoo.com

Why did you reject me lut? I feel broken! I seriously love you! Luth !!!

On: 23 May 201x


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