Chapter 8

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The castle was gone. Just stone and rubble was left. Then a bright light appeared near its remains. Another scream. You held onto Oliver tighter, crying harder.

After a few minutes you were both sitting down on the floor holding hands while silent tears ran down your faces. Suddenly you felt as if you were being watched.

"Thought it was that easy to run away from me? Try again love"

His cold voice was full of anger and desperation. You didn't turn around fearing what he was capable of. He grabbed yours and Oliver's wrists and pulled your hands apart then pulled you up to your feet. "Why darling? Why try to run away from me" he asked looking deep into your soul. Your words didn't form. He took a deep inhale and quickly tugged you closer into a hug.

"I though I'd lost you darling. Don't ever do anything like that again or you will pay" he kissed the top of your head. The then turned to Oliver. "As for you, I thought you didn't want to die anymore" he blurted.

Oliver looked to the floor and then at you. "I wanted to save her" he finally said still looking at you. "Save her? I am the best thing for her. I will protect her and keep her safe. I'm what she needs" he stated coldly and harshly. "Tom don't hurt him" you say looking up at the tall boy.

His jet black hair was out of place, his pale marble skin was splattered with blood, his hands and rings covered in it. He did something horrible. Something worse than what you thought he was capable of.

Suddenly Draco appeared in the doorway. "Ready" he asked Tom. "Indeed." Tom lifted your chin with his finger and looked right into your eyes. He leaned down and placed a small kiss on your forehead before a small smirk appeared across his lips.

He took a small step back while grabbing your twisting and commanding you grab his the same way. So you did in fear. You decided to drown out the noise of Draco rambling on and on and then he cast the spell. You and Tom were now engaged.

Tom then looked over to Oliver. He grabbed the collar of his shirt and picked him up from the floor. "Pull up your left sleeve. NOW!" He commanded him. Oliver did as he was told. Tom took his wand out of his pocket and placed the tip onto Oliver's inner forearm. With a flash of green the dark mark slowly seemed onto his skin.

He turned to you and demanded the same from you. The dark mark slowly seeped from his wand to your skin, slightly burning. You didn't react trying not to satisfy him. Now you and Oliver were apart of his little death club.

Was it worth it? (Tom Riddle)Where stories live. Discover now