♡23. Just Fluff

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No one's POV

The family was chilling in the living room. Tae was entertaining taegguk with the  funny faces and peek-a-boo.

Jungkook was sitting on the couch, smiling while watching the dada-son duo play.

" Baby say Bang " Tae did a finger bullet to taegguk .

Gukk burst into giggles seeing his dada doing funny actions.

" Ba " gguk copied his dada. Tae cooed and dramatically feel on the ground holding his chest.

" Aaahh " he yelled dramatically.

Jungkook laughed at tae's Oscar worthy acting and started shooting it on his phone.

Gukk burst out laughing and crawled to his dada.

" Dada ban ban " gukk said cutely and shooted his dad with his tiny gun .

" Ah ah ahhhh " Tae yelled and closed his eyes acting that he was dead.

Taegguk panicked seeing his dada with closed eyes. He crawled onto tae's chest and tapped tae's cheek continuously with his tiny baby hands.

" Da.da " gukk said having glossy eyes. Poor kid thought he murdered his handsome dada.

Big, fat tears came out of his eyes as he cried.

Jungkook gasped looking at his crying son.

" Baby !! " Kookie said and reached out to pick up gukk from tae's chest.

Tae quickly opened his eyes hearing the cries coming from his baby.

Gukk cried in his Papa's neck while kookie rubbed his baby's back while laughing.

Jungkook planting soft kisses on the baby's head.

" Baby look dada is ok " kookie said to his crying baby.

Taegguk softly looked back to his his dada alive. He jumped in kookie's arms wanting to be in his dada's arms.

Taehyung took taegguk from jungkook and held him to his chest.

" Baby, did you think your dada died?" Tae asked rocking his from side to side.

Taegguk nodded in tae's chest.

Taekook couldn't help but coo at their cute baby. Taehyung cupped his baby's cheeks and placed a big kiss on his nose. Taegguk giggled.

Jungkook scooted near Tae and sat beside him. He knew he shouldn't be jealous of them but he wanted some attention too.

He pouted and leaned his head on tae's shoulder.

Tae noticed his husband squirming and pouting beside him.

"What's wrong, bun?" Tae asked in the softest voice ever. He bumped kookie's shoulder to cheer him up.

" Koo wants attention too " jungkook says in the cutest voice. Too cute that it nearly gave Tae a heart attack.

" Aww my love come here " Tae said wrapping his arms around his pouty bunny.

Kookie happily hugged tae's torso liking the attention he was getting from his husband.

" Was my little bun jealous" Tae asked kissing his husband's hair.

Kookie nodded while blushing .

" My cute babies " Tae said while cooing at both of them.

Tae looked at the baby in his other hand and saw him playing with his silver chain and putting out on his mouth.

Tae snatched it of his mouth.

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