Johnnie Walker

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"Come on Diana! You can do it!" I could hear Eric's voice in the background, but I couldn't see him clearly in the stands.

My arms were beginning to shake as attempted to block incoming swings from Damian.

"Yah Diana, come get me." Damian teased.

We circled each other with our hands raised, ready for one of us to make a next move. It was hard for me to concentrate when I was staring at him, nearly naked, covered in sweat and dirt.

I wanted to touch him all over. I wanted to touch his abs and trace my fingers all the way down to his hips. I wanted to run my hand through his dark hair and grab on his large shoulders like I was hanging onto a cliffs edge. There was so much I wanted to do-


Suddenly I felt my whole-body lift in the air, and in one fluid motion I was on the ground.

"Day dreaming?" Damian pinned me to the floor.

This couldn't get any more distracting. Why couldn't I spar with anyone else other than him? How was I supposed to learn anything when I was practically drooling over him the whole time? I felt my core heating up as his body was pressed up on mine.

"No." I breathed heavily, "You caught me off guard is all. I used to train with my brother when I was younger. I guess you can say I'm out of practice." I tried making excuses for myself, but I knew that Damian and Eric saw through that. They both thought I should be training regularly so I was able to better protect myself.

Who knows what the future would hold, especially with Holden running around looking for me. I'm sure he could sense our lack of connection, especially now that I was marked for the second time.

"Do you mind?" I tried pushing Damian's large body off, but he wouldn't budge.

"What will you do for me?" He playfully winked.

Suddenly, a rush of anxiety entered my body, sending my nerves into overdrive. Damian reminded me of Holden when he said those words. I was having a flashback; I could hear Holden's voice and it scared me to death.

"What will you do for me Diana?"

I was freaking out inside. Damian was NOTHING like Holden, but sometimes I couldn't control my emotions. The fear took over when I had flashbacks, sending my body physically and mentally into a crazy hurricane that I couldn't contain.

I needed air, the walls in my mind were caving in and I needed to breathe.

It was so damn hard to breathe!

"Damian, get off! I need to go; I need to get out of here!" I started wiggling my body to hopefully loosen myself from his grip.

Damian instantly released himself and got to his feet.

"What is it Diana? Are you ok?" He put his arm out to help me up as my legs struggled to balance.

"No...No I'm fine." I stumbled my way out of the ring.

I could hear Eric in the background. "Is she going to ok? What happened?"

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back, "Diana, wait, will you stop!? Please, what's wrong? Was it something I said?"

I held my head with my fingertips, trying to focus my blurred vision, "Damian, ever since I came here, it's been amazing and I couldn't be happier, but at the same time... I've been getting these anxiety attacks. And to be honest, I'm scared. I'm scared of Holden; I'm scared of losing you and my new home." I started choking up. "I'm sorry, it's not you, it's never been you." I fell into his chest and he hugged me tightly.

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