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His screams.

It was the same screams from the night before. I couldn't get them out of my head.

I gasped for air, but I couldn't breathe.

My throat was so tight, and no amount of oxygen could get in no matter how hard I tried.

"Ah!" My hands were holding my chest steady as I whipped myself straight from my bed. I patted onto my chest frantically. I was breathing, I wasn't paralyzed... I was...I was...

I was home...

"Di! What's wrong?" Damian bolted up from the covers, blanketing me with his bare arms.

"Oh..." I looked over to him, his eyes were heavy, but his body was pulsating from the adrenaline, "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to wake you."

"No, don't be sorry," He pulled me in tighter, "Why are you so cold? Are you sure your ok? Never be sorry for waking me up."

I watched the covered window, "What time is it?" My feet almost reached to the floor, but Damian immediately pulled me back into bed.

"It's ok Di, they're sleeping. Besides, you need to rest." He gently placed me back down on the pillow. "And when they wake up, I'll feed them. Just rest now. You've barely slept all week."

I placed my hand on the nape of his neck and smiled, "I'm so lucky to have you."

"No, it's the other way around." He leaned in and softly kissed me, "I'm the luckiest man in the world."


A mother's love is everlasting, like the imperishable sun.

"It's a nice touch," I placed my hand on Damian's shoulder as we watched his mother's grave plaque on the forest bed.

His hand hovered near her name, then grazed down to the new inscription at the bottom.

Loved by two sons....

"I've been in so much denial over the years, hate literally consumed my mind, and now, he's finally back together with her." He looked over to the plaque next to Soyra's. It felt so surreal seeing it in person.

Alpha Holden of Crimson pack, son of Luna Soyra...

"Your mother would be proud," I breathed in heavily as I reminisced about my own family, all lacking proper burial sites.

Suddenly, there was a small rustle from the bushes that caught my attention.

It was a small white rabbit, curiously venturing closer to us. The rabbit's black eyes were tracking the floor, while its whiskers flickered in the air.

Damian curiously raised his eyebrows and looked to me. "What's it doing?"

"Don't be afraid little guy," I put my hand out to encourage the rabbit to come closer.

"Hm, strange."

I kept my hand steady as the warmth of its fur grazed my fingertips, "He's friendly, that's all..."

"It goes against a rabbit's instinct." Damian put his hand near mine, mimicking the same steady movement, but as soon as his hand came near the rabbit, it quickly retreated back into the bushes. "We are it's natural predator."

"Ever since I brought you and your brother back... I've been feeling different. More connected."

"More connected to rabbits?"

Two Alpha's, One MateWhere stories live. Discover now