Happiness Does Not Wait

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He's not dead.

He's not dead



I kept repeating those words in my head in a panic, but I couldn't sense his heartbeat. He hasn't moved from the floor since he initially collapsed.

His life was fading away faster than I could breathe in air.

After realizing what happened, I froze, unable to comprehend what was happening.

My brother and Damian were both lifeless on the ground. They both came here to save me, and I couldn't do a damn thing to save them.

Tears were pouring down my cheeks, and throat was so tight I couldn't bare to breathe again, but I had to do something.

We were heading towards the doorway as Aria, Aaron and the others stood silently, watching us make our exit. My arms were tightly wrapped around Loki's neck, and my legs were too weak to walk, but I felt a new power within me, giving me the strength to go back.

I looked up to Loki, "Let me say goodbye."

He stopped his pace and sighed heavily, "Luna..." He looked back to Damian on the floor, "There's no time."

"If she wants to waste more time before our reinforcements get here, then so be it. Makes it easier for me to catch up to you." Aria smirked and latched her arm around Aaron, like they were watching a performance.

Loki took a deep breath in, "As you command Luna." He carried me back to where Damian's body laid motionless. I wish I had the time to say goodbye to Adam again, but there wasn't enough time. I could hear Eric's voice in the background of my head yelling that more warriors were closing in fast.

We were walking on a thin line, and I had to make it quick.

I got down from Loki's arms and limped over to Damian. My hands went onto his cold body. It was chilling to feel his once warm, almost furnace like heat turn into ice cold stiffness, but out of all the coldness, his face was resting peacefully as if he was in a deep sleep.

Staring at him reminded me of all the things I was going to miss without him.

His soft touch and grizzly voice.

His caring personality that would never dissipate over time, instead, grow deeper with age.

His body, his smile, his eyes, and lastly...

His lips.

I leaned over and softly brought my lips to his. The kiss immediately sparked a tidal wave of emotions and memories that made me hold onto him a little tighter.

There were so many good memories, and the sad part was, those good memories were for such a small amount of time of actually knowing him.

But even though we were not together for long, the memories would last a lifetime.

Memories of our first time together.

The day we watched the sunset overlooking Fenrir territory.

His expression the day I told him I was pregnant. He never thought he was going to be a father, and the way he looked at me that day would be imprinted in my mind forever. It was pure joy, and now, I wasn't sure if our family would be whole again without him.

Damian and I were not one, but two souls combined, connected to our pack like parents connected to their children.

I took his hand and placed it on my stomach. Another burst of tears poked through my eyes, streaming down my cheeks onto Damian's lifeless body. It felt like there was a literal golf ball in my throat, choking me into submission.

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