Chapter 7

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***sorry but this is an extra long chapter so please bear with me****


An entire month passed with Nathan and Hannah being all lovey dovey. They'd easily flaunt their relationship all over the house and never miss an opportunity to rub it in my face. Nathan's one night stands have stopped, but he spends every waking second with her. He even tried to get her to move in with him, but I put a stop to it. I might turn a blind eye to his infidelity, but I have enough self respect to never allow him to keep his mistress in the same house as I, in my house infact. But he certainly doesn't have that decency. I told him that it was either she leave or I leave, but we both were definitely not living under the same roof together. However, she still stays over sometimes, sleeps in our bedroom, and has sex in our bed with my husband.

Nathan and I don't talk. We have mutually agreed to ignore each other until the end of our lives. Yes, end of our lives. Want to know a secret? Ok, so the contract our grandparents made us sign on the day of our wedding had a clause that said that we couldn't get a divorce. But Nathan doesn't seem to know about it. He thinks he can divorce me after two years. But he can't divorce me without losing half of everything he owns to me. And no business man in their right mind would ever take that step seeing how much they stand to lose. The only way we can be free of each other without losing much would be to have a child together. Wonderful right?

Hannah however didn't get the 'ignore each other' memo. Everytime she sees me she has to pass snide remarks, say something insulting or straight up bully me. But I just ignore her and pretend that she doesn't even exist. That gets to her more than any of my words can.

Once she even had the audacity to ask me to make dinner for her and Nathan's "date night" as she had given the maids off and she couldn't risk messing up her recently manicured hands. Me being me, agreed and she seemed shocked, but then smiled thinking she won. If only she knew. Hailey Jane Anderson never loses. That night I cooked up an amazing dinner, but either added lots- and I mean lots- of salt or spice in it so that it was either super salty or really spicy. Then for the icing on the cake, I dissolved salt in the jar of water that I placed on their table and kept a bowl of bitter chocolates in the middle of the table. Watching them cough up and spit out and gag was really funny. God, their faces and reactions! I regret not recording it. That should teach the bitch to never mess with me. You see, I was brought up like a proper lady, with proper manners and etiquette. So if you throw a punch at me, I won't punch back. I'll just kill you with kindness. But rest assured I will get back to you.


I was in my home office finishing up some paperwork when Nathan walked in. In case you're wondering, no Nathan didn't give me an office, I just took it. This mansion has so many rooms that I just converted one into my own office cause I really need it
And technically this is also my house so I don't need his permission.

He didn't even bother to knock. So I just ignored him. As if I'm just going to let him walk all over me. He tried calling out to me to get my attention but again, I ignored him, not even sparing him a glance. Didn't one of his rules state that I never speak to him? He got frustrated and banged his hands on my table.

"God damn it Hailey, I'm talking to you!" He yelled.

I put my pen down, lean back on my chair and look at him, still not saying anything.

He clenched his jaw and gritted his teeth. He seemed to do that quite a lot. " My parents have invited us over for dinner tonight. Be ready by seven."

He waited for me to say something, but I just picked my pen up and continued with my work, not bothering with him. He left my room furious, slamming the door on his way out.

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