Chapter 36

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Gina p.o.v

She walked to the elevator of the club and pressed her floor. As she made her way up she reflected on the last couple of months. It was all going according to plan. After years of failure, she had finally scored a big win when she met Darren, and now her career would finally take off. After her affair with Roman was busted by Hailey, she had thought her path to marrying the rich heir was clear. But alas, after losing Hailey and his child, Roman had a brain rewiring that made him guilty and regretful. He broke up with her and turned religious. He even had he guts to tell her that what they had done was a sin and she should join him in seeking mercy from the almighty. Needless to say, except for the part where she got to rip Hailey's life apart, the rest of the plan had been pretty much a failure. She ended up losing her job and no other company in California would hire her, despite her Harvard degree, something she had no doubt was the doing of Aaron Anderson. When she was still friends with Hailey, she had once visited her home and had met Aaron then. She had tried her level best to seduce him and trap him in her charm but failed. That made her believe the rumors about him. He was truly heartless. 

She had always believed that it wasn't degrees that made a person but social status and connections. And if you weren't born into wealth, then you need to marry into it. Her parents were middle class but she was determined to reach higher. She was smart enough to get a degree from Harvard business school, but to get further in her career, she didn't need a degree, she just had to be shrewd and cunning. She befriended the rich kids and worked hard to get in the social circle of the elites. When thy graduated, Hailey mover to California with Roman and took Gina with her. Through Hailey she made her way into the contacts of California's elites. But it all was in vain when her plan to marry Roman backfired. She had fallen faster from their good graces then she thought possible and was looked upon in contempt.

She then moved to Chicago to make a new life. However even though she got a good job, she was still working 9 to 5 in an office doing work like any other ordinary employee. She always believed her place was up, to be managing or ordering others. She was boss, not servant. Many told her that she was talented and if she worked hard enough, she could soon climb up the ladder. But why work when she could sleep her way up? But that technique didn't seem to work as her married boss wasn't keen on leaving his wife and after a couple of months grew tired of her and tossed her away. Her dry spell was broken when she met Darren at a party thrown by her boss. She had to beg and blackmail her boss to let her attend as she knew many of the wealthy would be attending. Darren wasn't very bright and was easy to manipulate. After I had efficiently trapped him, I was able to move to New York with him and he even gave me an executive position in his father's firm. And when I finally thought I was set, I realised that my vision of marrying a rich heir and having an influential career was once again threatened as my boyfriend wasn't as rich as I believed him to be, instead the Williams were greatly in debt. The company was dwindling and the only thing they had to them was their name. That's when I decided that I would have to be the one lifting the company up myself and came up with the jewelry project. My whole plan was in place and going smoothly. I reached the end of the but at the very last moment when I was one step away from victory, I was thwarted by the miserable Hailey Anderson. 

That brought me to the present day and why I was at this high end club and in a private room, sucking the face off of an average looking guy in his early fifties.

"Listen Garry, you have to do this," I tried to convince him to do my biding for one last time before I tossed him away. "You have to erase the files before the lawyers get to them. All the documents that prove that The Hunts company are the original creators needs to be destroyed for our plan to work."

"You don't understand babe," garry said. "Things are getting heated. Everything in the office is tense. In such conditions, if I try anything, it'll be suspicious."

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