Chapter 12

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Today I was having dinner with my board members and shareholders. After my disastrous dinner with Hailey, this was the last place I wanted to be, but I couldn't help it. These dinners were important in the business world.

Hannah was insistent that she accompany me as my plus one for the night. I wasn't really thrilled about the idea as I didn't want to get in trouble with my grandfather, but I couldn't really say no as she was still pissed about me having dinner with Hailey, and I had to make it up to her, one way or another.

Hailey's words were still ringing in my ears. She accused me of choosing buisness over love, and she was right. But she just didn't get it. It isn't as simple as that. I worked really hard to get where I am. This was my dream since I was a child and I spent my entire life trying to get here. I just couldn't throw it all away in the name of love.

"Ready?" I asked Hannah, as we were about to step into the room.

"Yes!" She squeaked. Hannah always loved these things, I never understood why. It was her time to dress up and shine.

We entered the room where dinner was taking place and they all stood up to greet us. After pleasantries were exchanged we all sat down. Hannah sat down by my side and there was an empty chair opposite me, reserved for the person this dinner was held for in the first place.

Ethan Knight. A few months ago, his company approached mine. They were looking to invest in a company based in New York, since they were based in California. He was a reputed businessman, and CEO of a tech company, Knight Enterprises Ltd. Along with investing in the company, he was also interested in buying shares. Now, he has around 18 per cent shares in my company and was the newest member of the board.

It was kind of strange that a person with a tech company wanted to buy shares in my company, and that to in such a large portion. But I paid it little mind. We needed the funds and he was willing to pay. I didn't know much about the knights but I knew that partnering with them could be beneficial for me.

And since my grandfather transferred a portion of his share to my wife's name, Ethan was now the largest shareholder after me. I was livid when I found out what he did, that too without consulting me. He couldn't just go around, giving my company shares to anyone he liked. When I confronted him, he said it was just a wedding gift to her and as my wife, she had that right. Now Hailey has a good 7 per cent share in my company.

The double doors to the room opened and a rather handsome looking man strode in. All eyes turned to him and many of the wives of the board members were openly gawking. He was good looking I must admit.

I stood up to greet him.

"Mr. Knight," I addressed him, "glad you could make it."

"Mr Rodriguez." He responded calmly.

Then I proceeded to introduce him to the men and women present there, before we took our seats and resumed dinner.

He took his seat opposite me.

"And this would be..." He asked, looking at Hannah.

I wanted to introduce her as my date for the night, as introducing her as my girlfriend would put me in a tight spot, but she beat me to it.

"Hannah Williams. I'm Nathan's girlfriend." She told him in a sweet voice, as she stretched out her hand across the table.

"I see." His tone had an edge to it and an emotion passed over his face, but it was gone as soon as it came. I must have been seeing things.

I wanted to face palm myself. Why, just why? I had asked her to keep it low tonight as it would get me in trouble, but then she just went and spoiled everything. But could I really blame her? She has to constantly take the backseat in my life, despite we being madly in love. After all the years of dating, she can't even be with me properly. She even endured this scam of a marriage for my sake. She understood that I had no other choice and how much my company means to me. And yet Hailey had the audacity to paint her as the bully.

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