Chapter 35

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Hailey p.o.v

After my meeting with my grandfather and in laws at the Anderson h.q I arrived to the law firm. I had my secretary Kate send Harry's secretary a box of chocolates as my thanks for picking an outfit for me. Upon entering my cabin I found Rick playing with my figurines while waiting for me.

"No, no you can't touch those," I said annoyed.

"But I already did. What are you going to do about it?" He challenged.

"Ugh! You better have something good for me if you're annoying me so,"

He chuckled and handed me a pendrive. I turned on my laptop and inserted the pendrive and opened a file named 'Project G' There was only a video and I clicked on it. A CCTV recording showed Gina and Hannah in a private room of what seemed to be a club accompanied by a guy who I vaguely remember seeing in the file Josh had handed me earlier of the information of the Williams. His name was Darren Williams, Hannah's brother and was expected to take over the company from their father. as the clip proceeded, Hannah could be seen sitting besides Gina while the three of them were talking to each other. Then Darren began pacing around while Gina and Hannah started sobbing. And the very next minute, Nathan entered the room and went straight to Hannah. They were conversing but i couldn't hear what was being said as this was a CCTV recording.

"I want to know what they're saying," I told Rick. "Is there any way you can find out?"

"One step ahead of you," he said and pushed a file towards me. "I got a lip reader to decipher the conversation. It should be pretty accurate."

I opened the file and began reading. After some time I shut the file close and threw it on the desk. I just couldn't believe what I had just read though I wouldn't put it past those women. I felt utterly disgusted that I had once called her my friend. I wonder what I ever did to earn her hate. Why is she so hellbent on making my life so miserable? But what made me even more frustrated was how much Nathan trusted a stranger's words compared to mine. He just met Gina but he believed her and decided that I was the guilty party here. Harry was right. He was a dead weight that would never change. Every single day he found new ways to let me down. I was such a fool to think that there was a shot for us when my husband not only doesn't love and want me, but is a fool who will never trust or believe in me.

"Your ex best friend seems like a cunt," Rick said after a while. "Now I've seen some real hardcore shit that has happened between friends and two friends fighting over a guy and all that. But that is one heck of a woman. You were lucky to have seen her and your ex's true faces before it was too late. But you let them go too easy. It's payback time. Want some revenge on her?"

"For now do your job and find out as much of her activities over the past months as you can," I told him. "Anything that can link her or any other person from the Williams' to the Hunts designers team. I need solid proof. Any dirt on them I can use as leverage to get them to settle."

I would get my revenge on Gina but in my own way. She shouldn't have come back to mess with me. You don't poke the snake twice and not expect it to strike back. And Hannah too it seems would need to learn a lesson. She was purposely trying to sabotage me. That cunning woman would also need a lesson on why no one messes with the Andersons. We are as ruthless as they come and don't let go of our enemies so easily. My grandpa always told me that while dealing with your enemies you need to be thorough so that they never come back to challenge you again. I disregarded that before when I let Gina go easily after ruining my engagement and now she was back foiling what little dignity was left of my sorrowful marriage. but this time I wouldn't let her go.

"Will do," Rick said getting up.

"Rick," I stopped him. "I never told you that Gina used to be a friend or anything that happened back then."

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