Chapter 20

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I was silent on the rest of the drive to the bar, and Corbin followed my lead and didn't say a word. My grip on my steering wheel was tight, and I knew that if I gripped it any tighter, then it would break.

Corbin sighed and looked at my grip, my knuckles slowly turning white because of the amount of pressure that was on my steering wheel. "Would you relax your grip on the steering wheel?" he asked. "You don't have to have it that tight, Kel. It is already dead."

I growled but did what he said and relaxed my grip on the steering wheel, my fingers gaining some color and feeling back instantly. I kept my gaze on the road and didn't meet Corbin's piercing gaze.

Corbin sighed and looked away from me, wanting me to say something to him. Again, he sighed mockingly, and I rolled my eyes and scowled, annoyed with him trying to get me to talk.

"What?" I asked finally, my tone brisk and sharp, not wanting to deal with his bull shit. I gripped the steering wheel tighter again because I knew that if I didn't, then I would have punched him and punched him hard in the face. "What is your problem now?"

"You," Corbin replied and looked at me. He stared at my hands, and I growled before I replaced my grip, even though all I wanted to do was keep my group on the steering wheel tight, so that way the urge to punch him was less. "You are my problem, and because you do not let anyone in to see what is in that pretty little mind of yours."

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye and scowled before I looked at the road. "Whatever," I grunted. I pulled into the bar and parked my truck into a spot further away from the building because I was not in the mood for it to get damaged.

"Why do you have to make me walk?" he groaned when I pulled my keys out of the ignition. He slouched back in his seat and acted like a child with the way that he pouted.

"Because you are fat, Doofus," I shot back, and he gasped and placed his hand over his mouth, looking shocked.

"Why, I never," he said, and I rolled my eyes and scowled at his behavior. "How dare you call me fat. I expect an apology right now, Young Lady. That was uncalled for."

"Bite me," I retorted and opened the door to the truck. I didn't look back at him, but I made sure that I was aware of him because I knew that he would do something stupid and try to bite me.

Corbin didn't prove me wrong and leaned across the divider between us to bite me, and I moved my hand to get ready to strike him in the mouth. He didn't go all the way, nor did he bite me because he saw my hand get ready to punch him squarely in the face. "You told me that I could," he defended himself when he was safely on his side.

"That didn't mean for you to actually do it, dumbass," I replied. I got out of the truck and closed my door, making sure that I had my keys. "Now, hurry up, asshole. We don't want to keep Xanax waiting for too long."

Corbin scoffed and rolled his eyes while he scowled. "You are so nice, do you know that?" he asked and raised an eyebrow. He opened the door to my truck and got out before he walked over to me.

I shrugged and didn't reply. I could be nice when I wanted to be, but at that moment, I could really care less and walked towards the building without saying a word.

Corbin muttered something under his breath and followed me towards the building. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and looked around, tensed.

He hated being at this bar, hated it with a strong passion, so I was surprised that he hadn't said anything about having to be stuck here with me.

I shook my head and entered the bar to see a scowling Vander standing at the bar counter with his arms crossed, muscles bulging underneath his shirt.

Annoyance and anger filled his eyes, and I knew that it was because Corbin was trailing behind me like a lost pup that didn't want to stray too far from its mother.

He tore his gaze off of Corbin and looked at me. "H-"

"If I have to "pay" for him, then I am not going in and will be leaving instead," I said, interrupting him before he could even finish his sentence. I scowled and narrowed my eyes, daring him to finish his sentence when we both knew what it was about. "I don't care what he has to say."

Vander pressed his lips into a thinner line. He looked between Corbin and me, and I knew that I placed him between a rock and a hard place, but I could really care less because I could find whatever information Xander had gathered on my own.

I set my jaw and lifted my chin, daring him to say something. I could feel Corbin getting anxious behind me and knew that he wanted to pay and get it over with, but I wouldn't allow him.

"K-" Corbin grew silent when I growled and let out an annoyed sigh. He shifted on his feet and looked between us as if he was watching a tennis match, waiting to see who would be on top.

Finally, Vander growled and moved a hand through his hair before he shook his head, annoyed. "Fine," he growled and gestured for us to go back. "You two can go back." He pointed his finger at Corbin and narrowed his eyes while he scowled. "You better be glad that it is important," he said. "Y-"

"Thanks," I said, interrupting him before he could say anything else, not in the mood for a fight. I grabbed Corbin's hand and walked him to the back room, my whole body stiff when I passed Vander with Corbin trailing behind me.

I knew that Vander wouldn't do anything in front of me to Corbin, but that didn't stop the cautious feeling that I felt. It didn't stop me from sending a warning look towards Vander, who decided that it would be best to get busy doing something else than to watch us walk past with trailing eyes.

He knew that I was not in the mood for anything and would kick his ass if he did something that I didn't like.

He knew I would start a fight and finish it before he could even have the chance to blink.

And if there was a fight tonight because Corbin was with me, then I was going to scream. I was so not in the mood for that shit, especially since there was a lot of stuff that I had to prepare myself for and then get stuff done that didn't include talking to Xander.

This better be good and worth it. It better be, or else Xander's face was my new punching bag.

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