Chapter 33

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We made it the rest of the way to the office in silence, and the king moved in front of us and unlocked the door.

"DIE, YOU FUCKING MOTHERFUCKER!" we heard when the king opened the door followed by an ungodly screech of anger and annoyance. "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?! YOU WILL FUCKING PAY FOR THAT!"

Hailey pushed up against me, and her heart started to pound in fear while the three men barged into the room to protect their queen while both me and Tally stayed back to protect the little girl and the back side.

"What the fuck?!" the king exclaimed when he saw that there was no imminent danger that had befallen on her. "Selene!"

Tally and I looked at each other before we entered the office to see the queen grinning innocently at the scolding men, her headphones with cat ears on her head and her mic pushed up to disconnect the microphone.

"What did I tell you about being on call with people?" he asked and scowled. "Are you seriously on a call right now?"

"Yes," she said and nodded. She cleared her throat and pulled her mic down to connect it again while she looked at the screen. "Sorry, Boys," she said, and I raised an eyebrow. "The miser is back with the motley crew, so I gotta go." She rolled her eyes when there were a couple of complaints, but she ignored them and stopped whatever she was doing with a cheerful, "bye!" before she took off her headphones and ended the game.

"Selene!" the king exclaimed again.

"Roland!" the queen exclaimed in the same tone as her mate. The grin on her face grew bigger as if she was trying to make it so that he wasn't that mad at her or annoyed.

"What did I say?"

The queen twisted in her seat, acting like a little kid more than the mature female I knew she could be. "Not to go into any calls unless you are with me," she said, and her pitch went higher. "But I was bored, Rol," she added, "and you know the people that I was in a call with, especially since you decided to do a full fucking background check on them when we both decided to get close to them."

I raised an eyebrow amused but didn't say a word while I stared at the couple in a staring contest with each other.

Finally, the king sighed and relented while he rubbed his eyes. "Just... be careful, Sel," he said, and the queen grinned triumphantly before she sombered up quickly when his expression didn't change. "There's going to be a few hard months ahead of us all."

The queen nodded and looked behind the three men to see both Tally and I standing there, and her grin came back while her excitement flared. "Is the child with you?" she asked with a small squeal in her voice.

I nodded and stepped further into the room while the three men relaxed. "She is," I said while Tally closed the door behind me. "I wouldn't be here if she wasn't."

The queen shrugged and looked sad for some reason. "You could have decided to go with our offer," she said while the king walked over to her. She smiled at him when he placed a kiss on her forehead and closed her eyes slightly.

"What offer?" Corbin asked and looked between us. "She wouldn't tell me what he was talking about when he called to check on us." He gestured at me, and I rolled my eyes and pressed my lips into a thin line.

"That is none of your concern," the king said, and Corbin frowned. "If Miss Rice does not wish to disclose this information to you, then please do not push. There is nothing to worry about, and we are safe."

Corbin pressed his lips into a thin line while he looked at me and raised an eyebrow. He was curious; I could tell, and I knew that he wanted to push, but he wouldn't until I felt comfortable saying it.

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