Chapter 38

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I bit back a relieved sigh and nodded before I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, concentrating on my powers and the male's hands on mine before I moved my hands until I was grabbing his wrists and not just his whole hand.

Unlike with Clint, I had to set up something with him and to make sure that his wolf was comfortable with this as well before I could put him under my command.

It was the same thing that I had done with the king, but I had a feeling that setting this bond up between the two of us would be a lot easier, especially because I was not planning on putting the command that didn't work on the king on him.

My wolf moved further to the front and closer into our shared brain while my hands started to tingle, and I instantly dug my nails a little into Clemson's wrists without a single word.

Clemson grew stiff, but he didn't pull away like I thought he would. He stayed silent and watched me, waiting to see what I would do next or waiting for some sign that said he was in trouble or not.

I took another deep breath before I opened my eyes, my eyes brighter than they were while I focused on him and silently urged his wolf to come forward, too, and his wolf did what I asked him without Clemosn's control, his eyes shifting closer to his wolf form than his human form.

I bit back a small sigh of relief when I saw that his wolf wasn't going to fight me like the king's wolf, and I was sure it was because they were on some sort of agreement that it would be best for them to be under my control.

Maybe if we didn't see Ryott like that, then it would have been harder... I mused silently but didn't say anything about it while I concentrated on his and my breathing, making sure that it was even and at the same time.

"You will hold off from being under a different Vesper's spell or a Vesper's command until you call me," I said, and I knew that my voice had the same whisper command that he wouldn't be able to ignore. "You will wait for me to tell you to do what they said or to veto it before you do it. You will listen to me first before you listen to someone else if they try to command you to do something. The king's command is not affected by this.

You will do what I say and when I say it with no questions asked. I will answer your questions later when you are safe and out of harm's way. You will not tell anyone that you are under my command or talk to anyone about this besides Corbin, Cap, Tally, the king, and the queen. If anyone asks, you will tell them to talk to me."

Clemson pressed his lips into a thin line but didn't say a word. He looked conflicted, and I had a feeling that he didn't want to be able to talk to them about it but understood why I had set it up that way.

"If someone tries to control you and doesn't let you leave the room to contact me, then you will press a button that will be given to you shortly. This will be the way that I know what's going on, too. You will keep the button on you at all times or near enough that you can push it when something bad happens. You will report any incident that deals with a Vesper commanding you to me, and I will help you deal with it. You will be removed from these commands after the Vesper that needs to be eradicated is eradicated, so do not object or try to argue with me. It will not be fruitful."

Clemson narrowed his eyes and scowled, and I could tell that he didn't like I said that but knew why I said it. He had a mate that would be able to help protect him after this person was eradicated, and the bond between those two was stronger than mine and his.

I could not in good faith keep him under my command when the threat of someone controlling them was dealt with.

If this was ever to happen to me and my mate, then I would want the same thing and the same amount of respect...

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