In + To

42 5 0

If my life was BODMAS,
I'd be addition,
On the last priority level to you.
Thought about last,
added in last,
And loved last.
I'm just as important to you as subtraction,
Because it doesn't matter if I'm added to your life,
or taken away.
I'm an 'in addition to' kinda person to you,
Someone who isn't needed but is merely there.
You think your life would be no different without me,
Even though I try my best to add to it.
I'm such an 'in addition to' to you,
That you even sometimes forget that my addition is need to complete your equation.
I'm an 'in addition to' that isn't added into anything,
That's never apart of anyone's equation,
I'm just an added feature to your life.
Nothing special nor needed,
Just an 'in addition to'.

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