Alpha and Omega

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There goes the sound to start,
And here I was unready and unsure,
For I had never been given a trainer,
Nor have I ever ran this far, for this long,

But, off I went,
Others around me running as though their lives depended on it.
One step after the other ,
I moved quickly,
But not fast enough it seemed,
Because in this race there was no time for slowing down,
And no time for messing up.

The scenery passed me in a blur.
I was allowed no time to focus on it.
In time I couldn't see where I began,
And I didn't even know where I'd end,
Or if I ever would.

My feet slammed against the unwalked path I ran.
My heart raced alongside me.
My brain longed for a break,
A period in which it had time to decide my next move.
Just as I was about to take the much needed breather,
The crowd booed.
They'd come to watch a race,
While it seemed to them that all I did was walk.
They hadn't been there at the starting line,
But they wanted to force me to their finish and my end.

And now I see the ending point,
The ribbon that had already been split in two appeared in the horizon.
The crowd had already left to celebrate the winner.
But what I had failed to see right in front of me was another bump in the road,
And because of it I tripped and tumbled over and over.

Now on the floor.
I looked up to see everyone moving at the same pace as before,
And the finish line being just as far.
Maybe to others it was a beautiful sight,
Seeing as they'd seemed to run swiftly ahead,
But to me,
From my lane,
I saw a gun aimed to the air,
And I knew it was just the beginning again,
But still I crawled until I'd made it over that line,
And then.

There goes the sound to start.

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