Scrap ( Fabric Fix)

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My strings pulls tightly at yours,
As we use all our string left to thread together,
All or nothing,
If you choose to unravel me,
I would be nothing,
For the string attached to me is holding just by a thread,
I wouldn't be able to save myself from you.
I've given you all my string,
In hopes that you won't fray me.

Now that we're strung together,
In what I'd only assume is a tight stitch,
Do we match or compliment each other,
Do we fit or complete each other?
I'd hope we make a beautiful fabric.
I'd hope you'd make me purchasable,
I hope we've raised each other's value.

I've forgotten though,
There are holes in my cloth.
How am I to fix those,
Does two incomplete clothes make a whole?
Or will there forever be that hole?
Am I right to use my string on you and not to stitch myself first?
Will we patch each other somehow?
Should we have fixed ourselves before fixing each other?

Fabric fix.

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