15: It's Not Home If Matsuda's Stupidity Is Not There

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"This place is neat!" Matsuda awed.

L had a headquarters built, it was under construction since he first met the task force and it's finally finished.

"No more hotels. Oh how I'll miss that." Y/n said sarcastically.

"Y/n and Misa have their own floor so do I but I won't being using it all that much since I'll be staying with Light."

"We have our own floor!" Misa squealed, clinging onto Y/n's arm

There's a retina scan outside in order to get into the establishment, once in you'd be greeted by the main room where all the files, monitors and where everyone would be working.

At both sides there're steel steps that's lead to the rooms. There were even two couches and a coffee table at the right side of the main room.

Each room floor is like a mini apartment. There's a kitchen, bathroom, living room and bedroom.

Y/n assumed everyone's floor was like that.

"Ryuzaki, this is actually amazing." Y/n laughed, looking at the design of the main room

L shoved his hands in his pockets, "I got that thing you requested on your floor."

Y/n's face spun to face the detective and instantly lit up, "You actually got the vending machine!"

Light jerks his head back, "Y/n gets a vending machine?"

L nodded slightly.

"No freaking way!" With that she ran up to her floor.

Light scoffed at L, causing the detective to focus on him, "Why don't you spoil me like that?"


"Kira is definitely among Yotsuba."

Mogi gathered information overnight on each member.

"You did this over night? That's incredible Mogi." Y/n praised.

"He's been incredible efficient from the start." L added.

Matsuda stood from his seat, "Is there anything I can do?"

L gave in some thought, "Could you get me a cup of coffee and for our guests over there." he pointed to a bright blonde female who looked like she was approaching her 30s and a male with dirty blonde hair who looked to be a couple years older than the woman next to him.

"Who are they?" Mr. Yagami asked.

"I'm Aiber. I'm a con man, how's it going?" He seemed confident and friendly. Aiber looked like he was proud of the reputation he had. Y/n could tell he was good at what he did for him to look that smug.

"And I'm Wedy, a thief by trade." This lady also beamed confidence, she wasn't like any other female Y/n had met. S he looked like she didn't take shit from anyone, like anyone who got in her way would become the ground she walked on.

"You expect us to work with criminals?" Mr. Yagami folded his arms.

"Like it or not Mr. Yagami these 'criminals' can help us a lot." Y/n defended the two.

"She's right dad."

"All we can do now is try and narrow down the suspects in Yotsuba so we can begin looking into them." the slouched man explained.

The h/c girl beside him side sighed, leaning back in her chair, "That's going to be a while."



"How the hell do you summon a shinigami?" Y/n mumbled

She drove to the woods, Y/n didn't want to but she had to. This investigation was certainly making her do things she'd never do.

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