30: Whoever Said 'Communication Is Key', Fucking Lied

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Y/n's head spun around quickly as she heard the sound of something that hit her bedroom window. Brushing it off as the window pane settling, she turned back to writing her notes for school.

The same noise came from her window again. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows as she walked up to it, gripping onto the handle, lifting it up with no struggle.

As she did so, a pebble flew in her room. The 15 year old flinched then poked her head out to see the source of the pebbles.

"What the hell Will?"

"Sorry!" He whisper shouted "Didn't think you'd open the window as soon as I threw that last one!" He chuckled to himself.

Y/n checked her watch, "Mind telling me what you're doing here at 11pm? You know my dad will kill you."

"I'll take my chances princess. Now get out here."

She rolled her eyes and changes her pajamas to a sweatpants and an oversized shirt. Luckily, her dad's apartment was on the ground floor and he recently invested in her new room that she was entirely grateful for.

Y/n stuck one foot out and followed the same with her other. She walked to the bushes where he was hiding and immediately his hands were on her.

His hands cupped her face and pulled her in for a kiss.

"God I missed you." The black haired male huskily whispered

Y/n couldn't help but let out a breathy laugh "I saw you in school today."

He just smirked "Your point?'

She stood there for a while, they both stirred in the silence then he put her hands in his.

" Will you know I don't like sneaking out."

"Exactly why we aren't sneaking out...well you aren't anyway."

Y/n's head tilted in confusion as her eyebrows knitted together. Will read her confusion loud and clear.

The young male held up a finger before rushing off behind the bush he was hiding behind before, this time returning with a blanket.

He unfolded it and spread it on the clean cut grass outside her bedroom window. Smoothing It out, he held out his hand to the clueless girl.


Y/n grinned at him making his heart flutter. She took his hand with little hesitation and he pulled her down gently on to the soft blanket, laying her down on her back.

Will laid next to her and they both looked at the stars. Y/n cuddled into him, laying her head on his chest as he intertwined his fingers with hers.

He always thought her hands were made to fit his. He kissed her knuckles gently before putting their joined hands down from his lips.

Y/n gazed in awe, looking at the twinkling stars that littered the dark blue sky. It shone brightly and looked down at her, seeing a small smile forming on her face.

A comfortable silence draped over them, the only noise were the chirping of the nearby crickets hiding around. The leaves would rustle here and there as the cool night breeze passed by.

Y/n slipped a hand under his shirt to rub circles on his chest. Though she couldn't see it, Will's face heated up immediately, his cheeks started to hurt with how wide his smile was.

She shivered when the breeze flew by, Will immediately took notice. He sat up, shrugged his hoodie off and helped her put it on.

"Damn." he whispered before biting his bottom lip, his eyes were lazily half lidded. Y/n melted under his gaze as she found it unbelievably attractive, "You look good in my clothes angel."

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