19: Date Nights, Romance and Murder

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"What's shakin' bacon."

The youngest male entered the main room and furrowed his eyebrows at Y/n's greeting.

"I can't pull that off, can I?"

Matsuda shook his head.

"Please." Light said, "Don't ever say that again."

Y/n lips pressed into a thin line, "Dully noted."

Matsuda noticed the one of the females present was dressed up in a short casual dress, "Looking good Y/n, where you headed?"

"On a date with Higuchi." Misa fake gagged

"I thought you were going out with Ryuzaki?"

Y/n rolled her eyes, "I'm going for the sake of the investigation. Come on Matsuda, I have standards."

Misa laughed, "You have to be desperate to get with a man like Higuchi."

Y/n shuddered at the thought of him, he really did creep her out.

"LIGHT" Misa yelled for the guy who was now in kitchen



Y/n squinted her eyes at the pitch of Misa's voice.


Misa scampered up the stairs, presumably to get the make up to put on y/n's face.

Mr. Yagami stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Y/n you know you don't have to do this. I know he is a little." he cleared his throat, not wanting to say but she knew exactly what he meant.

"It's okay Mr. Yagami. I would like to see his creepy ass behind bars."

Matsuda smiled at her bravery and determination, "Atta girl."

Misa came back with her palettes, fixing her face a bit.

"Alright." Y/n sighed heavily, "Do I look like someone you would want to confess crime to?" she joked.

"Yeah." Light approached, "My eyes would be under serious torture. I would confess immediately."

Y/n laughed, "Now you know how I feel when I look at you." she placed a hand over her heart.

Ryuzaki took a hold of her hand and led her away from the crowd.

"You okay?" She questioned at his sudden change in mood.

He took a while before speaking.

"You look pretty."

This was enough to make y/n blush, "Thank you kindly."

"If he does anything you don't like or tries anything, you get out of there." He turned on serious mode really quick.

Y/n shifted, "He'll get suspicious, I'll try for it to not get to that point."

"I don't care, anything you don't like you leave immediately."

Y/n giggled at his concern, "Look at you all protective."

She slid her hands down his arm to his hands, interlocking fingers.

L shrugged slightly, "I protect what's mine."

Her watched beeped signalling she was a bit late, "Crap." she mumbled "Gotta go." Y/n kissed his cheek before heading to leave when she felt a hand on her wrists.

She looked back at her needy boyfriend, "You missed something else, Meine Geliebte."

Y/n tilted her head then it instantly clicked

You Interest Me \\L x F!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora