31: Tears Come From The Heart, Not The Brain

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"Y/n you know I can not leave you like this."



More silence, just the flipping of the occasional page when she was finished. L took the book from her loose grip and threw it on the bed.

"Y/n I will not leave unless we talk about this."

"Lawliet." Y/n inhaled sharply, not even sparing him a glance, "If you do not leave, I'll scream I swear to God."

"What happened to communication?"

That sure got a response from her. She got up immediately, the chair screeching as it was pushed back by the back of her thighs.

"You want communication?" Y/n folded her arms and looked into his eyes, showing she meant business, "You hurt me. Out of everyone in my life I would never expect you to say those words to me whether you're stressed or not."

"I did not say-"

"You didn't have to." Y/n walked over to the bed and snatched her book, plopping herself down afterwards, "Don't miss your flight. I'm sure Near and the rest of Japan is waiting for you."

Never has L's heart been broken like this

The guilt he felt knocked him down and refused to let him get up. He felt so dumb despite being the smartest person alive.

But what has to be done has to be done to ensure her safety even if it means her being more than upset with him at the moment...right?

Maybe if he wasn't to make it back this time she would feel better as he had clearly broken her before leaving, or would it just it just make her feel worse?

He didn't know, she just a big puzzle that he quite put together yet, all he can do is try to put the pieces together and take care of it.

Ensure he doesn't lose any of the parts.

L fixed his white sweater as it was dropping off his shoulder and sighed softly. He neared himself to Y/n and kissed her temple, "I am sorry but do not doubt my love for you ever. I love you meine geliebte."

With that being said, L walked out which crushed Y/n instantly.

"I love you too." she whispered after he long left.

God knows how long he'd be gone, how dangerous it'd be. All she really needed was time but the clock was against her.

She sniffled, feeling the stinging tears edging at the corner of her e/c coloured eyes.


"You're fucking useless you know that?" the male clutched at his dark locks and pulled as if that would relieve the stress he was feeling, "I asked you to do one thing Y/n!"

"I-I'm sorry I just thought that-"

The young teen immediately stopped talking as a vase flew by her face, hitting the wall behind her and broke into tiny pieces.

Y/n flinched immediately and trembled in fear that the next thing he throws isn't going to miss.

"That clearly didn't fucking work did it?"

Silence passed as the young male sat in a chair burying his face in his hands.

"Will?" Y/n said softly, praying he didn't throw a tantrum again but how could he after hearing her small shaking voice trembling. Fear dripping from each letter of his name as it rolled of her tongue.

"I'm sorry Will."

Her voice seemed so fragile, so careful and so sweet. How could anyone resist it?

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