33: "If I Can't Have You, No One Can"

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"Hi Y/n!"

The girl turned around to meet the shorter figure running up to her.

Y/n stooped to the little girl's level with a smile, "Hey Lily." Then she gasped playfully, "Is that a new dress?"

Lily spun around  in a circle, giving her a full view of the dress

Lily's smile was bright and wide. She was this positive ball of energy

Poor girl's parents died in a house fire but she seems to be adjusting just fine.

"You like it?"

"Like it? I love it. It looks adorable on you Lily."

This caused the little girl to giggle, she then tugged on Y/n's short sleeve and jumped in excitement, "Do you wanna play dolls with me?"

Placing a hand on her shoulder, Y/n sighed, "You know I would sweetheart but since you've been here I haven't seen you talk to any of the other kids."

Lily stopped and looked down shyly, playing nervously with a strand of her bright blonde hair.

"I-I don't think the other kids will like me." Lily's voice was soft and sad, almost breaking.

This made Y/n sad also immediately, "Lily." the little girl looked at her, "The other kids will love to have you around. I mean you're fun to be around. Don't doubt yourself, okay?"

Lily nodded shyly, still not all that convinced by Y/n's words and she knew that.

"I know someone you can be friends with. Would you like to meet him?"

Lily nodded and slid her hands in Y/n's as she stood.

The two walked around until Y/n's eyes found a little boy around Lily's age reading a book. He was under a tree in the front yard, sitting on the green well kept grass.

"Hey Donny."

Donny's head immediately shot up upon hearing the familiar voice. He smiled as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Hi ma'am."

Y/n giggled, " Donny I want you to meet Lily." Y/n looked down to see Lily slightly hiding behind her leg, "Lily this is Donny."

The young black haired boy stood to his feet and stretched out his hand.

"Hi there Lily." he smiled.

Lily looked up at Y/n and she nodded, urging her to shake his hand.

Lily stepped forward and took his hand as they shared a handshake.

"I like your dress."

Lily giggled, "And I like your book."

"Really?" He beamed, "Do you like to read?"

Y/n stood and watched the two converse for a while and as she suspected they got along great. Donny was a kind and talkative young man, perfect friend for Lily.

"Can I leave you Lily? Are you comfortable?"

Lily nodded vigorously and hugged Y/n's leg, "Thank you!" She then let go of her leg and immediately went back to Donny.

Satisfied, Y/n left the two kids to go into the establishment to find a certain old man.

First she decided to check his office. Checking the name engraved on the door, she knocked to acknowledge her presence then twisted the handle to walk in.

"Ah, boss man Rogers." Y/n took a seat in front of his desk, "Just the man I want to see."

Roger had completely given up on telling Y/n to call him by his name. After a couple years it grew on him.

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