𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖 - ɪ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜰᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ

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You've gained a routine. Before going to school, you'd make lunch for you and Tetta. You'd drop off your little brother at his elementary school, before going off to your high school. You got less sleep than usual, waking up early and ending up needing to sleep late because of the job you ended up having. It was a bit tough, but you needed money to get stuff for Tetta- your mother didn't care at all about him, and only bought you things. She either ignored Tetta existed, or tried to beat him.

So you bought Kisaki clothes, books, toys, food, etc. You tried to pamper him as much as you could.

And when he came home, happily telling you of his friend Hina-chan, he admitted to you that he maybe 'liked' her. 

He asked you how it felt like to like somebody.

And so you told him.

"It's.. I dunno. They make you happy whenever you're around them. Sometimes, it feels like you can't speak around them. But even then, that's okay, 'cause you like being around them anyways. Your heart will race sometimes, and your face will feel hot, too. You'll care more about what they do, how they feel, what they think about- but that's just a part of it. You care for them. That's.. that's when you like somebody. You don't like somebody forever. And you don't have to do anything about liking them. Just.. don't bother them, y'know? Don't be weird about it," you explained, rather badly. But it was true. You'd liked people, before, but you'd ended up dying and not having any partner to worry about. 

"Really? Then.. I think I like Hinata-chan, nee-chan," Kisaki admitted, fiddling with a stuffed shark plushie you'd bought him.

"That's okay, then, Tetta," you ruffled his hair gently, "She must be very nice for you to like her."

He brightened, "Yeah, she is!"

Despite having knowledge at how his one-sided crush would turn out, you still just smiled softly at your little brother and listened to him rant about his 'first love'.


You had no friends at school. You were always quiet, and not needing the cops to be called (else they separate you and Tetta), you made sure not to get close to anybody to ensure that they'd never find out.

Besides, you'd never been lonely. You were busy, a lot of the time, between taking care of Tetta and working. 

Today was the weekend, meaning you and Tetta would often go out as to not deal with your mother. You needed to go clothes shopping for Tetta- you'd received your paycheck, and he needed new, better clothes. It was getting cold, but he had no jackets, so you planned to buy some for him.

He had a playdate with Hinata apparently, and so you were going to drop him off, and then go shopping. It was a good plan, since Hinata's mother would be there. 

A quick conversation with the woman, and then you were at the mall, searching for a reasonably-priced jacket that could be used for a few years during winter or fall. 

You were picking between a few with a keen eye before somebody bumped into you.

"Ouch," you mumbled out, and you hoped it sounded like just a response to surprise and not one of your bruises being pushed against.

"A-ah, sorry!" a teenager about your age apologized, flushed red for some reason.

"Oh, uh.. It's okay?," you reassured him, sounding more anxious than he was. You hated the awkwardness that you had not missed from your teenage years.

He looked dazed at you, still bright red. He had turned even brighter at the (hopefully) reassuring smile you'd sent him.

"Do you- I could take you on a date as an apology!?" he shouted, too loud for a store that was as surprisingly quiet as this one.

𝔹𝕚𝕘 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕂𝕟𝕠𝕨𝕤 𝔹𝕖𝕤𝕥Where stories live. Discover now