𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕚𝕩 - ɪ'ᴅ ɢɪᴠᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴍʏ ʟɪꜰᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ʜɪꜱ

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There's a small child in the toy section of the clothing department who matches the description you gave him. The little boy's eyes are truthfully the exact blue of your own eyes, almost eerily beautifully blue. He's carrying a little shark plushie with a tag on it, which must've been the reason for his disappearance. 

"Are you Kisaki Tetta?" Shinichiro asks with a smile, thinking of his own younger siblings.

For a moment, the kid stares in silence, eyeing Shinichiro suspiciously before nodding quietly. Once more he finds similarities between you and your younger brother, especially in the way both your faces are somehow so closed off.

Shinichiro continues smiling, "I'm Sano Shinichiro. Your older sister was looking for you, and I offered to help. We've only met one other time, when she was shopping before," he explains.

The kid remains silent before finally nodding, "So you're my nee-chan's acquaintance?"

"Yup," Shinichiro grins, surprised by the child's knowledge of a fairly big word. Wordlessly, Kisaki-kun grasps onto Shinichiro's hanging hand.

"Bring me to nee-chan," he states, before pausing for a second, "..please."


"[L/N]-san!" Shinichiro calls out, not wondering why you and your younger brother had different names. Although your eyes and mannerism were the exact same, you two really didn't look too alike. His hair, too, was a different shade than yours.

You turn around at the sound of your voice. It was still some time before you two were meant to meet up again, and yet here he was.

"I found your brother!" he calls out loudly, as though the other customers' ears didn't matter.

However, your face brightens at the sight of Tetta, and Shinichiro's shocked to see your usually blank expression brighten so significantly. Tetta quietly makes his way over to you before frowning, "Sorry, nee-chan, for going off."

..Two siblings with expressionless faces that only show any emotions to each other. Would you look at that.

Still, Shinichiro's face heated up while looking at the soft, forgiving smile you gave to your younger brother as you reassured Tetta, "It's fine. Just don't do that again. Next time, tell me if you want something."

Shinichiros's face turned embarrassingly red as he raised his hand to his face to cover the flush.



You'd ended up thanking Shinichiro, and then buying Tetta's shark plushie and a coat. Unfortunately, it wasn't shark-themed, but it was gray with a hoodie, and if you tried hard enough you could either make it shark-themed or save up to pay somebody to attach some shark-theme-ness to it. Either way, Tetta looked fairly happy with the shark plushie you gave him, already.

As the two of you entered your apartment, your guards were down. After all, you'd just been in public, where nobody would try to hurt you or anything. You even assumed your mom would be out with her friends, since she'd told you so yesterday in passing.

She was sitting on the couch, her face deathly cold.

[TW: abuse. please take care of yourself as while this fic has child abuse in it, the next part is more violent, in detail, and toxic. take care of yourself my lovelies! Skip this chapter from here on out, in the next chapter I'll give a summary of what happened! <3]

"..Mom?" you greeted tentatively, Tetta in his coat clutching his shark plushie in one hand and your arm in the other. Instinctively you stood in front of him, his figure shaking at the way her eyes filled with pure hatred upon seeing him.

"My daughter," her voice sounded so suddenly full of anguish despite the way her eyes gleamed angrily.

You wanted to stow Tetta away and keep him safe from this woman.

"Why do you always betray me like this?" you could hear the angry tremble in her voice. It unknowingly terrified you.

You didn't know why, suddenly, you were so scared. You felt like running. Hiding.

Even now she was older than you, scarier than you, her eyes were watching every move you made and despite you having died older than you currently are right now, something right down to your very bones shivered at the violence in her eyes and her posture. You gestured for Tetta to go to the wall, to move away. And despite knowing he was safe, something in you was still shaking.

It was like your instincts were telling you to get away or you'd die. The air felt so heavy, so thick, and you wanted to run but you knew you couldn't.

"I don't know," she whispered, so loudly, "why you keep protecting that monster."

The air seemed to be choking you. You were trembling, in front of this weak, skinny woman.

"You've betrayed me, too, my daughter," the look in her eyes could only be described as pure insanity and hatred.

She slammed the coffee table onto your figure, in front of Tetta, who just stood against the wall, pale.

His shark plushie fell to the floor.


Shinichiro snapped out of his flustered state by the time you were already gone.

It only took a few moments for him to really realize you and your younger brother were gone, and people were looking strangely at him.

How embarrassing...he covered his flushed cheeks with one palm before realization hit him.

He still hadn't apologized for stalking you! You didn't know, but, well, if this was an excuse to talk to you more, then nobody knew except for him!

(And all of his higher-ups in Black Dragon, and probably a majority of his members. Because let's be honest: Shinichiro is not known for his subtlety.)

His face is still flushed red as he makes his way to your house, a route he most definitely has not memorized. 

The sound of shattering glass from behind your thin-walls and door of your apartment makes his red face become extremely pale.

Before he knows it, he's trying to kick the door open. It doesn't work. He curses his physical weakness once more, curses the way his body holds no strength despite having the techniques in his heart. 

It's out of pure luck that when he desperately tries to open the door, it opens- if only because you'd forgotten to lock it the moment you'd seen your mother on the couch.

And there you are, head on the floor, shattered glass around you, and your head was bleeding immensely. There your little brother, Kisaki Tetta was, shark plushie now soaked in your blood. He was trembling, eyes unseeing and panicked. And who he assumed to be your mother was holding the broken leg of the coffee table with a so hypocritically guilty expression. How despicable of her.

Still, despite analyzing the situation and realizing what was happening, only one thought now ran through Shinichiro's brain:



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