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Layla answered the door and looked to see Tom and looked to him and groaned "what are you doing here. Polly is with my mum so you can't see her" Layla said as he looked to her and sighed

"I wanted to see you. I wanted to speak to you" Tom said as she let him inside as he looked to her and smiled

"I know that you are going through some stuff but I want you to know I am here still, I know things have been tense for us but i want to pout it right. I want us to try again and move past it" he said as Layla looked to him and raised an eyebrow at him

"you want to try again? Are you for real we are toxic and you took maxs side knowing how he was with Charley, you chose him over us and now you decide you want us back. Just go Tom" Layla said as Tom looked to her and sighed

"I get that you hate me and I have been an idiot I didn't want him to miss out on his child like I did. I messed up and I want to try again" Tom said as Layla looked to him and rolled her eyes

"the difference is you walked away from polly. Max is just a jerk" Layla said

Layla got to work and looked to see Charley and smiled

"what did he do now" Charley asked as Layla sighed as she looked to her cousin

"he turned up at mine claiming what he did was reasonable as he didn't want baby there to grow up without a dad like polly well he walked out and max is jerk oh and then he said he wants me back like what the hell" Layla said as she took a sip for her coffee and sighed as Charley looked to her

"and do you want to get back with him" Charley said

"What after everything god no"

"I know that you still love him lay. I know you and you know I do, I know it's hard with you and Tom but you broke up over me and max not you two and I know that you were happy with him, you were all happy as a family and if you love him then you should go for it if it's what you want. You deserve to be happy and you shouldn't stay apart because of this and because of what happened as you are good together" Charley said as Layla looked to her and sighed.

She knew if she did take Tom back it wouldn't be easy especially as she kmew she didn't trust him right now

Layla sat in her flat and groaned as she saw Tom as he pulled up outside

"I told you Tom I can't trust you why are you here" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"because I want to show you I can change" he said as he leant in and kissed her.

Layla found herself kissing him back as she wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned into the kiss as it got more passionate as he lead her to the bedroom and smirked.

He pushed her onto the bed as they started to strip off as he pulled him close as he pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her. Layla moaned in pleasure but could they really start again

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