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A/n: Charley mason and any kiddies she has belongs to _X_Sammii_X_


Layla groaned to herself as she woke up to her phone ringing and sighed as she saw that it was three on the morning. She looked to Tom as he lay asleep and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair as she looked to see her cousin Charley was calling her. Layla walked out of the bedroom and sighed as she walked down into the kitchen and answered the phone "what the hell is going on at this time" Layla asked as she answered the phone "it's your mum, she's resigning" Charley said as Layla sat down and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair "because of the Kelly's?" Layla asked "you got it, I've tried to talk to her but she is your mum and she might listen to you" Charley said as Layla nodded "I'll try" Layla said

Layla got to work a few hours later and sighed as she walked into the office as Rachel looked to her "Charley told me, about you resigning. You can't do that mum" Layla said as Rachel looked to her and sighed "I Have to, it's my fault. I brought them into the school after all" Rachel said as Layla walked over to her and smiled "I know but you didn't kill Maxine, the school needs you especially after everything that has happened. We all need you, you can't leave" Layla said as Rachel looked to her and smiled "I have too, it's for the best" Rachel said as Layla looked to her and sighed "No it's not, you need to think about this and you need to realise that you are needed here. We all need you here as this place would fall apart if you weren't here" Layla said as Rachel looked to her and smiled


Layla sat in the staffroom and smiled as Charley walked in and looked to her "did you talk to your mum?" "I tried my best" Layla said as Charley smiled. Tom walked over and handed Layla a coffee and smiled as he kissed her "I have a meeting so I will talk to you later" tom said as Layla nodded. She looked as he walked off "hows my little Pollyanna" Charley asked as Layla looked to her and chuckled at the nickname she had for Polly "she's good. She's starting a new nursery next week, she misses you, you should come and see her" Layla said as Charley looked to her and smiled "I will, I miss her" Charley said


Layla sighed to herself as she got to the hospital for her scan with Tom. She looked to him and smiled as he took a hold of her hand "it's all going to be okay" Tom said as she looked to him and smiled. Layla heard her name called and sighed as she walked into the room and sat on the bed. Tom took a hold of her hand as they looked to the monitor, Layla smiled as she heard the heartbeat and smiled "that's our baby" Tom said as Layla smiled "yeah, it is" she said

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