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Layla answered the door to the flat and smiled as she saw Tom

"I thought that we could talk, I wanted to know if you thought anymore over what I said" he asked as Layla sighed.

Layla knew how messy that things were and she knew how Tom wanted another chance, he wanted  another chance with her and at a family and Layla didn't know.

Layla knew that so much had happened and gone on that she didn't know how she felt over it all.

Layla knew that deep down that she did love Tom still but she also knew that sometimes that live wasn't enough

"I don't know Tom. I'd love to say yes that I want to take you back but you know it's not that easy. You know that so much had happened with Charley and max and what happened there and I just don't know if I can or ever will trust you" Layla said as Tom looked to her and nodded

"I get that, I know it won't be easy but I am here for you and I am going to do whatever I cam to prove to you that you can trust me and that we can do it" Tom said as Layla frowned.

She knew it wasn't going to be easy
Layla sat in the staffroom as she got to work.

Her head was a mess over Tom and how he wanted to try again and she hated it, she knew that the last thing that she wanted to do was to end up like Charley and max and she also knew that she didn't want to agree only to end up hurt again.

Layla knew it was complicated. Layla looked to see Charley as she walked into the room and smiled slightly

"what's up" Charley asked as Layla sighed

"Tom. He wants us to try again and I just..I don't know if I can do it I mean he hurt me so much and I really don't know if I can put myself through that again. You know. So much has happened and I hate it" Layla said as Charley sat with her and smiled

"I know that but I also know how you and Tom got brought into the drama because of me and max and that you broke up because of it, Tom isn't the bad guy here max is. Look because max is a jerk to me doesn't mean Tom is. If you love him and you think that you can make it work then you should try again" Charley said as Layla looked to her and smiled knowing it wasn't going to be easy

Layla got to toms and smiled as he lead her inside and looked to her

"are you okay" he asked as she nodded

"so I have been thinking over us. Over wanting to do this. If you let me down or Layla down again it's over" she said as Tom looked to her and smirked as he pulled her close and kissed her

"I won't let you down I promise" Tom said as he pulled her close and kissed her.

Layla moaned into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close.

The kiss got more passionate as he lifted her up so that her legs were drying his waist.

He carried her to the bedroom and dropped her onto the bed as he climbed on top of her and pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure but could they make it work?

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