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Layla sat in her flat and sighed to herself. She couldn't stop thinking over Tom. She knew that he was pollys father but she didn't want him to hurt Polly like he had a hurt her. The last thing that Layla wanted was for Polly to be hurt especially since she was innocent and the last thing she wanted was for her to be let down by her father. There was a knock at the door as Layla stood up and sighed. She walked to the door and smiled as she saw it was Layla with Polly. Polly had spent the night with her. Layla smiled as she walked back into the house as she sat on the couch. Polly sat as she played with her dolls as Rachel looked to Layla and smiled "are you okay?" She asked as Layla smiled to her "tired and I can't stop thinking over Tom and I don't know what to do" Layla said as she ran a hand through her hair and sighed.

"He isn't the same person who broke your heart and Polly has a right to know her father and I know you hate him and I know that he broke your heart but you were in love with him once. Maybe give him a chance and see. He could be a great father and it's clear to see that he regrets what happened. All you need to do is give him a chance not for you, not for him but for Polly" Rachel said as Layla sighed and looked to Polly and smiled slightly. She was unsure about giving tom another chance but she knew Polly did have a right to know who her father was no matter what had happened in the past.


Later Layla got to work and sighed as she saw tom in the yard. She looked to him and smiled as she walked over to him "look, I'm not going to be a cow about all of this. You are pollys father and I want you to be involved but this is your one and only chance I don't want you to hurt her, not again. She has been hurt without you. You broke my heat tom and don't you dare do that to her as I will kill you if you hurt our daughter" she said as he looked to her and smiled "I won't, I promise" he said as Layla looked to him and smiled.

Later that day, tom sat in his classroom and sighed to himself. He knew that he was still in love with Layla and he had messed up any chance that he had off them being together. Tom knew that he wanted her back but he knew that he had hurt her when he walked out on her when she was pregnant. Tom knew he was going to win her back but he also knew that it wasn't going to be easy. He knew Layla was stubborn and wouldn't be easily won back.


Later that night, Layla arrived at toms with Polly. Polly hid behind Layla. She was shy "are you going to say hello, this is your daddy" Layla said to Polly who looked to her and frowned "you my daddy?" She asked as tom nodded "come on let's go watch some tv" Layla said as she walked into the living room and turned peppa pig on for her and sighed as she walked over to tom who hugged her and smiled "thanks for this" he said as she looked to him and smiled. Wondering if she was doing the right thing.

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