Chapter one

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Chapter 1

(Dalia's pov) ps. (only going to do baby voice when she talks out loud)

I was sitting on the sidewalk playing with my teddy as usual. I looked across the street and saw people sitting at a table with a tray of cookies. "mmmm cookies" I thought. I got up from where I was sitting, grabbed my teddy Mr. Snuggles, and walked to the edge of the sidewalk. I started walking across the street not paying attention to anything but the cookies.

Suddenly a car zommed by right infront of me...and one behind me. I looked around and all I saw were cars racing by. I got scared, I started to cry..loudly. Cars raced by left and right of me. I was so scared. I screamed out for help but I don't think anybody heard me over all of the cars. I whimpered and sobbed more, I put my head in my knees and sobbed my heart out.

Then suddenly I was lifted up and placed on somebodys hip. I didn't bother looking at the person who saved me because I was still shaken up. I felt the person sit on a bench then they lifted my hcin to look up at them. I looked at the guy and put my chin on his chest. He looked down at me and said. "Whats your name little one?" I looked at him with my head tilted "i'm Dalia" I replied. He froze. I frowned and tears welled up in my eyes. "Did I do something wrong?" I wimpered. "No no no little one, you did nothing wrong don't you cry" he said wiping my eyes before my tears could fall.

"Whats yourrr name?". I said tilting my head to the side a little bit. "I'm Marco honey" he whispered. "dats a pwetty name" I said nodding my head. He smilled and said "thank you". I put my head on his chest and mumbled to him. "I sleep now. ok?" He rubbed my back and said "ok". Thats the last thing I heard before my eyes dropped.

(Marcos's pov)

I was taking a walk after one of my missions. I was waiting at the crosswalk for the walk signal to pop up. A car went by and there was a bit of space before another car went by, and I saw a little girl sitting in the street with her head in her knees.

I practically sprinted into the street and lifted the little girl up before she could get hit by a car or something.

I rubbed her back to soothe her crying state, after a few minutes she looked up at me with curiosity. "whats your name little one?" I asked her. She looked at me with her head slightly tilted and whispeed, "i'm Dalia". I froze. I remembered my daughter.., I remembered how much I missed her.

Suddenly I was snapped out of my state when I heard a little voice whisper "did I do something wrong?" I looked down at herand she had tears in her eyes. I quickly wipped her tears ad whsipered "No no no little one, you did nothing wrong dont' you cry"

Then she asked me my name, and I told her. She told me my name was pretty. "Thank you." I whispered to her.

"I sleep now. ok?" She mumbled as she put her head on my chest. "ok." I whispered to her as I rubbed her back slowly as she fell asleep.

I picked her up and went to walk to my car, I looked back on the bench to make sure I didn't leave anything and I saw a small teddy bear on the bench. I shook her a little and she opened her eyes slightly

"is that your teddy piccolina?" I whispered to her. She slowly nodded and mumbled "Mr. suggles." I nod at her words, and lean down to pick up the teddy bear. I froze, it looks exactly like the one my daughter had.

I shake my head in denial, and I continue to pick up the bear, I place the bear in her arms, kiss her forhead, and continue walking to the car.

Once I get to the car I realize I don't have a carseat. I cursed out of frustration, and Dalia looks at me with a sccared look written on her face. "Angwy?" She whispers. "No bambina, everything is fine." I say kissing her forhead.

"I don't have a seat for you piccolina, so you will have to sit on my lap. ok?" She nods.

I climb into the car placing her on my lap making sure the won't fall off. I buckle the seatbelt and, and I wrap an arm around her so she can't fall. I looked down at her, and I just realized how tiny  she is.

She could fit in my pocket.

She slept on my chest for the whole car ride. I was imaging what my family's reactions will be once they find out I might of found our princess.

(At the house...)

I unbuckled the seatbelt and went out of the car with little Dalia sitting on my hip, she was awake now and she was looking around amazed.

I walked into the house and was greeted by my wife. She looked at the girl on my hip and whispered. "Who is that?" I pulled my wife into a small room so nobody listened to our conversation.

"Meet Dalia." I said with a smile plastered on my face.

Ava stood there with mouth wide open. "Our Dalia?" She questioned. I nod, "I'm pretty sure the even has a bear that looks exactly like the one we gave our daughter.

"There's only one way to know.." She muttered. Then I remeber, we had Dalia's name engraved into the bear. I slowly went to take the bear out of Dalia's arms, trying not to startle her.

She pulled the bear back. "Hey baby it's ok, I just want to look." I whispered to her. She shook her head rapidly and said "Last time they take Mr. Snuggles, they not give him back for a wongggg time!" She says with tears in her eyes.

"I promise I will give him back." I said to her holding out my pinky, she wrapped her tiny pinky around my big one and nodded handing the bear to me carfully.

I picked the bear up out of her hand and sat her on the couch. My wife moved next to my and both of us looked on the foot of the bear. I almost dropped the bear when I saw the words DALIA, written on the bottom paw.

"Go call the doctor for a DNA test." I said to my wife. I walked back over to Dalia playing with the hem of her dirty dress, i'll change her clothes later. "Come baby." I said to her. She jumped off the couch and I grabbed her hand as I started walking to the living room.

I walked in and I saw some of my sons there.

"Hello papa." They greeted coldly. I nodded at them before leading Dalia farther into the room. "Who is that?" They questioned as all of them looked at her. She whimpered and hid behind my back.

"Dalia." I said. They all shook there heads as if they couldn't believe it.

"Say hi Dalia." I said as I motioned her to move infront of me. "H-hewoo." She said so quiet we could barely hear her. "Hey baby don't worry they won't hurt you." She nodded and walked to the middle of the living room and curled up on the floor closing her eyes.

I chuckled and walked over to her, and picked her up. "Baby you can sleep on the bed." I said smiling down at her sleepy state. "I was never allowed to sweep on a bed befowe." She said as she slightly smilled.

My heart ached for her. "Well now you can." I said.

I carried her up the stairs and went into the closest room which happend to be Hunters room, I placed her on the bed and kissed her forhead, I walked into hunters closet and pulled out one of his hoodies. I walked back over to th bed and took off her dirty dress and replaced it with the hoodie.

I walked out of the room and went to mine checking the depths of the closet for leftover baby underwear we might of had from when the boys were young. I found one and walked back into Hunters room, I took off her current underwear and put on a pair of little boxers.

She looked at me with tired eyes and whsipered "I warm now." I smile at her words and whisper "I'm glad baby." I leaned down and kissed her forhead again, she giggled and I smiled. I pushed her down on the bed and pulled the covers over her. I rubbed her back until her breath slowed

"Sleep well bambina." I whispered, then got up off the bed

I walked out turning the lights off on the way, and started walking downstairs.

When I got downstairs my wife was waiting. "The doctor will be here in a few hours." She said. I nodded and kissed her on the kips, she smilled in the kiss  as I pulled back. "We might have found our daughter amore."

She smilled and nodded happily, then she said,

"I guess we'll know within hours."

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