Chapter 5

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(A few days later...)

(Blakes Pov)

I walk downstairs and I see my sister playing with her bear while watching Mickey Mouse on the TV. I walk over to her and I yell."Boo!" Next to her ear. She jumps up sqealing a little, and she looks at me with a scared look on her face.

"Blakey!" She says excitedly wrapping her arms around my waist. "Hi baby" I chuckle kissing her forhead. Today some of our family is coming and tomorrow, the rest will come  tomorrow and we will have a dinner.

Daliah looked up at me with tired eyes, I looked at my wath and saw the tie read 2:00 P.M. "Well little princess it's naptime for you."

She shook her head and mumbled. "Blakey I no tired!"  I just chuckled to that, and picked her up carrying her to my room. She fell asleep on the way there and I smiled at her saying to myself. "Not tired huh?"

I pull back the covers and place her on my bed

I kiss her forhead and walk over to my desk. I pull out my needle and string to fix my tie that broke.  I work on it for about an hour and a half before I hear movement on the bed

I turn around and see my little sister sitting up on the bed rubbing her little eyes.

Suddenly I hear the front door open and then voices. I smile at Daliah, "Well little miss it's time for you to make your apperance to the rest of the family." She looks at me and then puts her arm up for me to carry her, I pick her up setting her on my hip.

She shifts from my hip to my waist and puts her head in my neck.

I walk down the steps and Mama looks up at me and smiles and she walks into the living room and I follow her in. I see some of my cousins and only one of my uncles and aunts is here.

I sit down on a couch with my sorella still cinging to me likea koala.

It takes a minute but my aunt and uncles finally notice me and the baby in my arms. My aunts runs up to me and kisses my cheek, then she looks down and sees Daliah.

She goes silent.

I-is that..?

I nod. She picks up Daliah and spins her around showering her with kisses, Daliah scrunches up her nose and shakes her her legs signaling she wants to be let down.

"Down." My sister says trying to get out of my aunts grip. She finally puts her down and my sister sits on the floor holding her teddy. She looks around the room staring at every single person for a few seconds before moving on.

Daliah gets up and walks over to River who's busy on his phone.

She crawls onto his lap and under hus arms, to lay her head on his chest. He doesn't eve look down at her but wraps his arm around her as she lays on his chest staring at the wall.

(Rivers pov)

I didn't look down at her as she lay in my arms because I knew I would show emotion, I can't show emotion....Not again

I felt her little finger tap my chin and I looked down at her, not wanting to upset her. She was looking up at me with her bright grey eyes. "I pway on your phone?" She questions with her head tilted sideways.

I go to app store and quickly download a game called crossy road, open the game, and hand my phone to her. She starts playing it and I look down at her with adoration as she does. She giggles as she jumps on the aligators heads and it makes my heart melt.

I heard movement so I looked up and saw my brother Xander get up and sit down next to us. He gently took her little chin and she looked at him. "Hi Dali." He says.

She looks at him with curiosity and moves from my lap to his. "Whats yourrr name? She questions.

"I'm Xander little one." She giggles and says. "Xandy!" He just chuckles at this not objecting to the nickname she just gave him. She then turned her head to look at me and I already knew what she was going to ask. "River." I say

She smiles. "Dats a pwetty name!" She says giggling.

I smile. 

She gets off of Xanders lap and walks over to her brother Matteo.

"Teo look I made fwiends!" She says happily pointing at us. "Bubs those are your cousins. River, Xander, and Kayden." 

(Kaydens pov)

I look up at the mention of my name. I see Matteo pointing to me as he talks to his little sister. I watch as Daliah gets up off his lap and walks over to me she crouches down next to me and says. "Can I call you Kay Kay?"

I stare at her for a few seconds. I slowly nod and she squeals.


(A few hours later...)

Everyone has arrived now. We thought the rest would be coming tomorrow but it turns out they wanted to come today.

Everybody was watching little Daliah do her tricks and stuff and thought she was adorable, I think she is adorable too so I can't really argue. She does cartwheels and handstands and everybody claps for her.

Ashton walks over to her as shes doing a cartwheel, picks her up by her legs and has her upside down while spinning her. She squeals and giggles as he spins her before he puts her down.

"Ash that is not funny!" She exclains.

Ashton shakes his head before lifting her onto the couch and saying "sorry baby." Before he sits next to her.

We all laugh, have fun, and joke. Then the door opens and loud footsteps are heard as the room goes silent. "Why is it quiet Kay Kay? She whispers to me.

I just pull her onto my lap as two figures walk into the room

Grandpa's here...

Sorry for the wait but heres the chapter.
here are the characters for the counsins, aunts, uncles, and ect.


Antonio- 67
Rosabella- 63

Lily + Max

River- 22
Xander- 17
Kayden- 16

Sebastian+ Avery

Grayson- 28
Ashton- 21
Micah- 18
Lorenzo- 14

Emerson + Theo

Theo Jr (a.k.a Teddy) - 22
Xavier-  18

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