Chapter 10

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A few years later

Daliah pov:

Today is my 7th birthday. 

Papa said i could have anything I wanted.

I run down the stairs and jump onto hunters back. he pulls me around and says. "well if it isn't my cheeky monkey." Before carrying me over his shoulder to the couch and tickling me until i couldn't breathe.

"S-stop Hunty p-please!" i say in-between giggles. he finally stops and leans forward and placing 7 kisses all over my face. 

"A kiss for each year, happy birthday bambina." he says pulling me into a hug.

I hear 2 people arguing at the top of the stairs and I watch as the twins come downstairs arguing about something stupid as always.

"uhm HELLO?!? it's MY BIRTHDAY?" i say throwing my hands up in the air trying to get the attention of my 2 annoying brothers. 

Blake comes over and scoops me up spinning me around. "Happy birthday bambi!" he says kissing me all over my face. i push his head back to get him to stop. "No more kisses!" i grumble.

"where's Sandro?" i question.

"He's out taking care of some business, love." Lucas responds. 

"Well when he gets back tell him that we need to have a serious talk!" I say crossing my arms and tilting my head up slightly higher. They all chuckle and HUnter says, "We'll definetly tell him that baby."

I glare at him. "i am NOT a baby. I am SEVEN years old now i'm basically a full adult!" i say throwing my hands up in the air once more before turning the other way and storming off towards Papa's office.

I knock on the door then walk in. "Papa!" I say running over and jumping into his lap and laying across so only my back is on his legs and the rest of my body is hanging off.

"Ah theres my birthday girl." He says tickling my stomach causing me to squirm in his lap. 

He chuckles.

"Happy birthday bambina." He says. I glare at him and tell him that i am not a baby anymore. he just chuckles and says "whatever you say love" before kissing my nose.

"When will Alessandro be back!" I say looking up at Papa. "soon, maybe another hour or so." I nod to this. "I'm going to make him let me ride in his favorite car!" I say with a smile. 

Papa just shakes his head.

Alessandro has a car that he never lets anybody use or be in except himself. but today that is going to change. All i have to do is give him the pout and puppy dog eyes and next thing you know him and i will be racing down the streets on our way to get ice cream.



I glare at Alessandro. I throw myself into his arms and place my chin on his chest. "Whyyyy!" I question looking up at him. "It's my birthday! This would make my whole day, week, month, and year!" I say throwing my hands up in the air.

"You know I don't let anybody in that car except for me, so I don't know why you're even trying." He says glaring at me.

"Please." I strain.

"I'll think about it." he replies. I smile and wait a few minutes

"I thought about it. My answer is still no." He saying smirking down at me. I give him a bored look letting him know I am unimpressed by his attempt to mess with my emotions especially on my birthday. 

I get up off his lap and just as i'm about to walk out I turn around and look at him. "When i'm famous and giving thanks to everyone who got me here, you can bet on it that your name won't be mentioned." I say glaring at him and before I close the door I hear him yell.

"We're already famous, but nice try!"

I grumble and walk upstairs into Mama and Papa's bedroom. I see Mama laying on the bed doing something on her phone. I walk over to her and hoist myself on the bed. "Hi monkey." Mama says laughing at my attempts to pull myself onto the bed. 

She puts her hands under my armpits and lifts me on the bed so i'm right in-front of her.

"What's got my baby so glum on her birthday hm?" Mama says raising an eyebrow. I dismiss the fact that she called me baby, Mama is the only exception. 

"Sandro won't let me ride in his car." I grumble. 

She chuckles at my supposed to be mean face and puts her hands out pulling me into her arms. "You should apologize to him for being mean. You know how he is about his car." Mama says looking me in the eyes.

"Why do I have to apologize he's the meanie for not letting me ride in his car." I say.

"Bambi you know he loves you and would give you anything you want. That's the one thing he won't give and you have to accept that. Don't you think you hurt his feelings by the things you said. And I thought you were a big girl now no? Big girls take the high road."

I sigh and lay my head on her chest. "Okay Mama."

She smiles. "Great! Now go apologize. You don't need to get worked up over something as small as this, tomorrow you're going to have a huge party and get so many presents and birthday wishes." She says kissing both of my cheeks and wrapping her arms around me before letting go and sending me out of her room.

Alessandro pov:

I sit in my office trying to not let what my sister said get to me. I know I may look big strong and tough but you'd be surprised what the words of your 7 yr old sister can do to you. 

I hear a knock on my office door and I yell, "Come in!"

In walks Daliah with her head down and her hands behind her back. She closes the door and comes over to me.

She holds out a rock for me. I raise an eyebrow but take it confusion in mind. "I'm sorry for being mean to you. And I gave you the rock because you rock." She says giving me a quick hug before looking at her feet once again. 

I pull her into my arms.

"It's okay love. I'll take you out in my car later yeah? Just this once."

A smile lights up her face as she squeezes me tightly. "You're the best! Ti amo Sandro" She says looking up at me with a huge smile.

"Ti amo Daliah."

Hi guys, sorry it's been so long. I'm trying to get motivation to write more. Hopefully you guys liked this chapter


I never thought i would get more than 1k and then it started growing more and more and i just can't believe it. 

I love each and every one of you

God bless you all <3


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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