Chaper 7

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(Clayton pov)

I hold Daliah tightly as she wraps her arms around my neck hugging me back

"Clay I missed you soo much! She say looking up at me

"I missed you too Liah." I replied to her as I hugged her tighter but not too tight to crush her. Suddenly I heard someone clear their throat, I turned around to see all of the men in the room (excpet Oliver of course) glaring at me with angry raging in their eyes.

"Put. My. Sister. Down.

Kinsley hissed in a dangerously low tone.

"But Kinny, I want to be with Clay and Ollie. I haven't seem them in sooooo long! Pwease Kinny Pwease can I can I? I'll be good and listen to you just please." She said to him

He looked at her for a few seconds. They are all soft for her, he's having a hard time working up the strength to say no to her.

He took a deep breath and come."Come here baby."

(Kinsley pov)

Clayton lets my sister down and she walks over to me. I pick her up setting her on my hip and she looks up at me with an innocent look. I sigh. "Bambi, whey don't you go get some rest?"

"But Kin-"

She doesn't get to finish her sentance before Papa interrupts says to her in a stern voice, "Now Daliah."

She frowns as I set her down on the ground and she starts walking towards the stairs. When she gets to the doorway of the living room, she turns around and I see her face wet with tears.

"I don't wike you guys anymore, you're mean." She says before walking away.          

Papa sighs before saying, "Now for you two."

(Daliah pov)

I walk into my room and see Mr. Bear sitting on the bed.

I close the door before walking over to him hugging him tightly. "Mr. Bear, they don't wike us here we have to weave." I whispered to my teddy as I took a few sets of clothes, a toothbrush, and toothpaste and put them in the backpack Clay and Ollie gave to me when they left me at the cafe.

I put my backpack on my back, and grab Mr. Bear and sneak out of my room, and tiptoe down the stairs.

I hear yelling coming from the living room and tears pool in my eyes as I walk to the frontdoor and open it, slipping out of  the front door.

When I get outside I see a gate, and some guards standing infront of it. I tiptoe over to the gate hidding behind walls along to way. I hear the guards talking about something, so while they're distracted, I slip through the bars of the gate and hide in a bush.

They stop talking and start looking straight ahead.





I decided to throw one of the rocks nearr me across and as their attention is diverted I run down the driveway as fast as I can, almost tripping over my legs in the process.

When I'm far enough away from the house I stop and take a deep breath. I walk for about another hour or 2 until I get to a bridge with a boy sitting next to it. smoking something, and with his legs hanging through the fence thats there.

I walk over and sit next to him.


He looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "What are you doing here little girl, isn't it past your bedtime? He says while turning his head back and looking at the river below.

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