Chapter two

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(Hunters pov)

I walk up the stairs and head into my room. The lights are off? I remember leaving them on. Someones been in here.

I walk over to my bed and go to sit down but I see a little figure there. I look closly and realize it's the girl papa brought home. She's so tiny. I only want my sister in my bed.

Papa said she might be my sister.

But I won't believe it unless I have proof. But she can sleep here just for now. I crawl into the other side of my bed and turn on the tv. It starts blasting sound and I immeditly go to turn it down. But when I looked at Dalia she was already awake.

She was looking at me and I said to her "go back to sleep." She shook her head and crawled out from under the covers. I saw she was wearing my hoodie. I'm not going to lie she looked quite adorable.

She rubbed her little eyes with her tiny fists as she sat up in a sitting position. She looked around the room for a few minutes. "Marco?" She said as she turned her head to look at me.

"He's working." I replied to her. She nodded slowly before she went to go off the bed. She crawled so she was sitting on the edge then dropped down. I heard a tiny thump and thought she was hurt, but when I saw her little head pop up I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

She walked to the door and had to stand on her toes to reach the handle.

"Bye bye." She said to me waving. I gave her a tiny wave as she left closing the door behind her. I looked next to me on the bed and saw she left a tiny bear. I picked up the bear and I noticed it had some words on its paw. I shined my phone flashlight on it and it read "Dalia" in cursive.

My sister had this same bear.

I get up off my bed, walk out of the room, and started down the stairs. I saw Dalia slowly trying to make her way down the stairs.

I bend down and scoop her up. "Why are you so tiny?" I whisper to her. "I not tiny, you just vewyyyy biggg!" She says in response. I chuckle and mutter a small ok.

I continue to walk down the stairs and when I get down I go into the living room, and sit on the couch. There is nobody else here but Dalia and me." I need a go." Dalia says as she looks up at me. "Go where love?" I say back. "I needa go home."


Papa said he found her in the middle of the street, and all of her stuff was on a bench. "Where's your home Dalia?" I question. "The bench." She replies

My heart aches as she tells me this, "Love thats not a home. This is your home now." I say. She sits ther staring at me. "Otay." She says.

I turn on the tv and switch it to a kids show. She starts singing the theme song to the show. "It's the Mickey mowse cwub howse, come inside ya come inside. M I C K E Y M O U S E!" I can't help but smile down at her cuteness

Suddenly I hear footsteps.

I pull Dalia close, but am relieved when only Mama and Papa walk in.

Dalia turns her head and shouts. "Marco!" Before springing up off my lap and wrapping her small arms around papas legs.

"Hi baby!" Papa says to her as he picks her up and sets her on his hip.

"Marco, Hunty and I are watching a show called mickey mowse. AND MICKEY HAS A CLUB HOUSE!!!" She says giggling. Papa looks at her and kisses her forhead. "I'm glad you like the show baby!" Papa replies to her.

She rests her head on his chest, playing with his tie.

"So, why are you both here?" I ask.

Then papa says.

"The doctor is here for the DNA test."

(sorry for the short chapter)

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