Chapter 28 Scars

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"I'm so sorry, Em, because of me." Skylar said, pouting and looking away. She's about to cry here.

I hugged her quickly. It was not her brother's mistake that her brother is a jerk.

"You don't need to apologize; it's not your fault," I gently rubbed her back.

"Still, I am really sorry," she pouted again.

"Now, if you say sorry again, then I will beat the shit out of you," I murmured, and we both erupted into laughter.

"Em, drink this, it will make you feel better," mom said as she handed me a glass of chilled mango juice.

I took it from her and took a sip of it.

"Skylar, what the hell was that? See what happened with Emberly because of your stupid challenge," Mom scowled at Skylar.

"I recognise Mom, and I've already apologised to her."Skylar looked at the floor, pouting.

"It's okay, Mom; it's not her fault," I took hold of Skylar's hand, squeezing it to comfort her.

"Are you sure that you are okay?" mom asked again and I nodded, smiling at her. She cared for me like she was my real mother.


"Their new trendy collection was awesome," Skylar chirped while placing shopping bags on the chair of the cafe.

I insisted or practically dragged her to come on shopping with me, just to cheer her up, as she was very upset because of the morning incident. She thinks that it's her mistake that I almost suffocated myself in the morning.

How can I tell her that I've been through worse? I still remember that incident when I used to live with my aunt.

I winced as my head felt so heavy and even though I think some strands of my hair came into Deliah's fist, my so-called aunt's daughter or my cousin was dragging me from the stairs by grabbing me by my hair and my body had fallen on the floor as she was dragging me, cursing continuously to me

Because of you, Greyson dumped me, saying that my attitude is worse and you are better than me in manners and attitude. "You whore," she snarled at my face and slammed me against the wall so hard, making my head hit it so hard, making me whimper.

She grabbed my jaw so hard and pierced her sharp manicured nails over my cheeks. I felt something wet on my hands. It was blood. My blood. I felt my surroundings going blurry around me as she slammed me against the wall again. I saw him smirking. Even my surroundings were a blur.

"Em, Em, Emberly," I snapped my head towards Skylar, who had her hand around my arm and her brow furrowed.

"Are you alright?" She wrapped her arms around me and gently rubbed my back.

I rested my head around her shoulder, hugging her for some time, trying to calm my panic.

She pulled back and handed me a water bottle. "I quickly gulped the whole content in at once. Suddenly a pressure snapped inside my stomach, making me cough hard."

I quickly ran towards the washroom. I don't care if I'm in a public place or people are watching. I even heard Skylar's shouting behind me to stop me, but I ignored everything and locked the door of the washroom and vomited over the toilet seat.

I fell down and felt my surroundings getting blurry.

I vomit all over the toilet seat once more.

My eyes widened when I noticed the blood coming out with vomit.

I quickly pulled the hem of my shirt upwards and saw that bruise my uncle used to beat with so much cruelty, and one day when he was beating me by his legs, kicking me continuously, I vomited blood there.

I went to the doctor who told them that I had an internal injury that damaged my internal body system, making me suffer from suffocation if I put weight through my stomach. This morning, I tried to perform pushups. I think that makes me suffer from this. Blood vomiting

"Emberly, open the door." Skylar banged on the door. I could feel the worry in her voice for me.

I quickly wiped my mouth with toilet paper and flushed the blood contents down the toilet.

I slowly opened the door and Skylar quickly approached me.

"What's wrong, Emberly?" she nearly shouted at me while examining me.

I shook my head, smiling a little to hide my pain.

"Nothing, it's just I think I ate something," I looked around, trying my best not to look into her eyes.

She kept staring at my face for some time before nodding.

"You scared me to hell," she murmured while driving the car.

"Don't worry, I'm alright," I said, my head resting over the window of the car.

"I'm really worried so much for you." She shook her head while squeezing my hand.

"Aw, are you falling in love with me?" I chuckled, and she snapped her head at me but erupted into laughter with me.

"You know very well how to turn a tense atmosphere into a positive one," she smiled.

"No doubt, because your sister is awesome," I screamed, giggling.

I gave her a flying kiss and promised to hug her later, but she was driving.

"You know, you are the best person in my world," I said to her.

"And you are one of the bestest ever people for me," Skylar chirped.

"You know, I was so alone before you came into our life," Skylar said to me, and I looked at her.

"I've always wanted a sister with whom I can spend time, share about my personal life, my every secret, and trust me, I've always thanked God that he sent you into our lives," she continued.

My eyes became sour due to tears gathered in my eyes after hearing her words.

I smiled, "You really thanked God and love me this much."

And she stopped the car and wrapped her arms around me.

"Yes, and I think I get my sister already; it's you."

"Aww, my sister, I love you so much," I wrapped my arms around her

I think my cheeks started hurting due to smiling this much.

Trust me, I've never smiled this much in my life.

I'm married to the person whom I love. Our marriage started with the wrong, but eventually, it turned out to be the most precious thing for me. I have Adrian's mom, dad, and sister who love me so much.

It's like, finally got it, reminds me to write happiness in my life.

But when I saw him, I froze.

Peter Davies, my uncle, that man, who used to torture me like I was not human.

My hands started trembling. He was in a shop, buying something from there.

Skylar pulled back, "Em, what happened?" She cupped my face.

My muscles tensed. When she touched my arm, my heart leaped into my throat.

Did he find out about me, or did he come to take me back to hell?

So, how is this chapter, my cute readers? Please tell me in the comments. You all don't know, but your positive comments make my day. Please give and share this story.

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