𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦𝑡𝑤𝑜

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An eternity. Thats how long it felt, strapped to that table. Nico left to get his fathers helm, and my mother didn't bother to even take me off this damn table. I laid there, probably bleeding out. I couldn't tell. But i felt myself growing weaker by the second. That has to be from Blood loss.

I didn't want to, but I closed my eyes and i was sucked into a dream.

I stood at the edge of a cliff, over looking the ocean. The sun was rising, and the sky danced with the colors of red, orange and dark blue.
The sea bashed against the rocks below me, making a sound resembling a waterfall and thunderstorm.

"You may let go."

I turned and looked behind me. There stood a beautiful woman. She had eyes that shifted different colors and hair that did the same. She was the most beautiful person id ever seen. She was wearing a while dress that bellowed in the wind.

"Who are you?" I asked.

She smiled softly. "I am the embodiment of all things love and beauty."


The woman nodded. "Yes, Euphoria. I am the goddess of love."

"But why are you here in my dream?" I asked.

The goddess gave me a sorrowful look. "This isn't a dream, my dear. You have died."

I know I should have felt fear, or sadness that i was dead, but I didn't. I felt strangely at peace. Like i was floating high in the sky and i had all the time in the world.
But then my mind wandered and I thought of Nico. "But, what about Nico?" I asked.

"Thats why im here, my dear." Aphrodite said. "You see, normally i do not get in the middle of mortals or demigods when it comes to death. But, you have made me feel sorry for you. And I couldn't see you pass without giving you a chance at making things right."

"What do you mean?"

Aphrodite smiled softly. "In all my years, i have seen some remarkable love stories. Romeo and Juliet, Edward and Bella, Ron and Hermione—"

"None of those are real, though..." i said, cutting her off.

She laughed softly. "Thats what you believe, anyway. But anyway, i have seen some beautiful couples. Ones so beautiful, that it hurt to watch them be broken by the cruel mistress of death. But my dear, Euphoria, your story is one of my favorite ive ever seen. You and Nico Di Angelo share a love so pure and genuine, I couldn't bare to watch it be broken by that witch you call your mother" Aphrodite said.

I stood in silence for a while as i took it all in. "So, what," I finally said "you're here to do what exactly?"

Aphrodite smiled. "You see dear, in the world you know, your mother has already been defeated. Hades had already banished her into solitude in her cave. And Nico has shadow traveled himself and your body back to camp half-blood, in an attempt to see if anyone there could help. If anyone could bring you back to life." She said. "No one could, so they are having a funeral my dear. Right now. And i am here to give you a choice."

I looked at her skeptically. "What choice?"

"You may either stay here and never have to endure the pain of life again, or I will give you a chance to live. A chance to be with Nico."

I froze. I can go back to Nico?! I could finally be with him, if he feels the same way about me of course. Wait, but what if he doesn't love me? Then why would he be so wrecked over my death? Why would he have cried when i stole his fathers Helm of darkness? "What if he doesn't love me back?" I asked Aphrodite.

She smiled. "Child, I wouldn't be here if there was no chance of this relationship working out." She said simply.

I thought about everything. How Nico was the one who comforted me when i first got to camp. How he saved me when I tried to kill myself. I thought about our small conversations about the most random of topics we had occasionally. I thought about his smile, and about his caramel eyes. I thought about how he was kind and caring and how he was so protective. Then I thought of the promise. I looked down at my hands. On my finger was his ring. I knew what my decision was.

"I want to go back." I said. "I want to be with Nico. Please let me be with him."

Aphrodite smiled. "Good. I expect good things from you, Euphoria."

"Will i ever see you again?" I asked her.

She winked. "Im everywhere, dear. You just have to look" then she snapped her fingers and i was engulfed in darkness.

AN: bum bum bum! We are getting close to the enddd! *cries*
Any way, I really hope you've liked it so far. Please comment if you want a second book. If so, I already have a plot in plan. It will be DRAMAA!

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