Hatchling's Childhood(First 5 years)

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Dragon's POV

"Uwahh!" Hearing the cries of my new born from the outside of the birthing room, i felt happiness i didn't know could exist filled my entire being.

We had decided on a name, 'Luffy' if it's a boy, 'Lucillia' if it's a girl. I slump on to the chair that i wasn't using up until now.

I promise, i promise.

I will defeat the world government and let you live in a world filled with peace and freedom. I promise i won't let you have to think you'll need to dirty your hands, i promise you'll have the freedom to choose with no discrimination.

My old friend Ivankov smiled widely than usual as i saw him walk through the halls, "Dragon-boy, vwho vis it? Vis it a Luffy or va Lucillia?"

"That is what i'm waiting for." I let a small smile lift my lips, i could tell by the frown he had that he was upset that i pulled an all-nighter to get all my work done in one night.

Before Ivan could rant about my unhealthy habits, we hear the door to the birthing room opens, "Dragon-san, both of your wife and newborn child are fine. Congratulations, sir. It's a healthy baby boy."

A son! I had a son, he will grow up to be a man who'll treat everyone equally, yes the same goes to woman and trans woman. I don't care about your back story or identity, if you're sane in my morale compass, then you deserve equality.


3rd POV

His son just turned a year old, sadly his wife had succumbed to death due to the birth complications, although, she managed to stay alive long enough to hold her son. To think she'd die seeing his gummy smile, making her unafraid of her fate as she was delivered to death's door.

Now, his son became mobile, crawling under his desk, crawling away to get to other revolutionaries he was familiar with. Especially when he catches sight of his older sister and a recent addition to the Army, a young teen named Jewelry Bonnie.

Of course, she acts all obnoxious and bratty when it comes to the baby that had seemed so attached to her. A big tsundere of a big sister if you ask me.

The pinkette that used her devil fruit in every advantage she gets, she transforms into a teen, transforms into a kid, transforms into an adult, or an elderly. This girl has it all.

Dragon honestly hates how naive people can be when they let themselves get tricked by her.

But she somehow can't trick his son, who was only a year old, he'd be frustrated as well if he were her, but he isn't. His adorable hatchling was the embodiment of the sun, what do you expect?

"What now you spoiled brat?" Dragon hear Jewelry act tired of his boy's pestering and grabby arms toward the busy man, he can hear the whines and then-

"Papa!" Literally, everyone almost dropped their valuables, and Bonnie almost dropped the baby Luffy.

"Papa! Papa! Papa! Papa!" Baby Luffy kept chanting for the teen that was holding him to give him back to his Papa.

Dragon let a rare but small smile etch on his face, "Let me." His arms reach out for his son that had said his first words! "Papa! Papa! Papa!" The cute child kept saying, the surrounding Revolutionaries felt their hearts melt at the scene.

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