Special 1: Hatchling's Execution 2

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Part 2!...

How do I explain myself...? Ehehehe....

Readers: *knives, torchers, and pitchforks ready*



Luffy was apparently on Level six. Sea stone restraining his devil fruit and chains restricted him from moving freely.

"So you are Mugiwara no Luffy.." He hears a voice from a mysterious man or should he say fishman speak up, "I heard a lot about you from Ace-san." He states. Somehow, the young captain found the energy to speak as well.

"Ace... You know Ace?" Luffy asks as he leans forward, ignoring the numb pain he feels when he moved his torso. The fishman smiles, "Hey, do you know Hachi?" He asks excitedly; the octopus merfolk did say he was from the Sun Pirates crew and a lot of fish men were on the crew. Maybe this guy was on the very same crew as him.

The blue fishman recoiled in shock, "Y- you know Hachi? How is he?" "Shishishi! Hachi opened up a tokayaki stand and there was this mergirl named Camie working with him too!" Luffy started telling him about the fishman and mergirl, how they fought the duval riders, how Luffy had punched a Celestial Dragon for shooting at Hachi.

Jimbei, he introduced himself, had a moment of silence in anger when he had heard that his former crew-brother had gotten hurt, by the hands of Celestial Dragon as well. Why does Queen Otohime still want to co-exist with humans when all they do is hurt them?

"Why?" Luffy perks up from his grumbling at the memory of the celestial dragon, Jimbei had his head down. Luffy's brows crease together in concern, the fishman was chivalrous and joyous; very unlike the one he was seeing.

"What do you mean 'why'?"

"Why did you punch the Celestial Dragon?! If you had listened to Hac-"

"I couldn't just turn away! Who do you think I am?! That bastard shot Hachi! He shot Hachi!"

"One of the many more reasons you should've fleed!"

"Hachi is my nakama! I would never abandon my nakama!" Jimbei recoils, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. This boy... Was amazing..

Do you not fear for yourself? Do you not care what happens to you? Jimbei started to remember a tale of a human boy and a mergirl and their forbidden friendship.

Of course I fear.. But I fear even more If you get caught.

But they would hunt you down! A boy that had kept away a mergirl that costs a fortune would be hunt down!

Jimbei understands Ace's high-regard and praises of his brother. 'Queen Otohime, If you were here and I still had gotten the chance to report human activities to you... I believe you would've adored this young man.'


Sabo's eyes snapped open with one thing in mind.

Luffy, his baby brother, his precious treasure.

Ace's treausure.

His treasure.

The blond man got up from the infirmary bed, "Sabo-kun, stop! Tell me what happened first!" Koala, his best friend, stood in front of the door.

Sabo was breathing heavily, his eyes puffy from crying. "Do you have your memories back?" The orange-haired woman asks, the blond man nods as he bit his quivering lip.

"I need to see Dragon-san..." Koala immediately pushes him gently back on the bed, not allowing him to get up. Not when his state was in total disarray.

"No, he's giving you a week off. He ordered me to inform you, so-" Koala jumps back a bit when Sabo suddenly screams at her.

"NO! I am not going on vacation when my little brother is in danger!!" The Chief of staff sits back up, ignoring how his body screamed at him to get back down or else it'll shut down it's systems and make him pass the fuck out.

"Sabo-kun...? What do you mean by 'little brother'?" Koala was way past confused, she may or may not think Sabo would need to go to the mental ward at this point. (He was already morbid before, why didn't anyone tell her he could get even worse?)

"Funnily enough... Straw Hat Luffy is my little brother. Not by blood but by bond..." The blond man finally settles down as the adrenaline subsides, curling into a ball on the infirmary bed, burying his face into his hands. Luffy, oh god, his sweet little brother must be in impel down right now.

Luffy may or may not be in the deepest level, since his heritage was already revealed to the world and the population painted his wonderful brother as this man who only wanted the downfall of the Government as much as his 'evil' father did.

Sabo recalls how Luffy spoke highly of his father, affectionately calling him 'papa' as he was returned nicknamed 'hatchling'.

Young Sabo didn't understand Luffy's 'hatchling' nickname but now? It makes so much more sense.

The Hatchling of The Revolutionary Dragon.

'Straw hat' Monkey D. Luffy.

"Y-you mean... Dragon-san's child is your-" The orange-haired fishmen karate instructor gasp lightly and covers her mouth with her hand, ocean blue eyes layered with vast amouts of grief met another set of blue eyes that held nothing but sympathy.



"N-no way..." Hancock's hand shook as she let the news paper slip from her grasp, she had just sent out a search party of warriors a day ago. She didn't think the Government had already found her love!

"L- Luffy... My beloved is getting executed?!" The Pirate Empress rages, tearing the article in half as her eyes dilated in her anger.

"Sister, what should we do?" Right. She was a warlord, she needs to think about her people too... However, her beloved could die any minute from all the brutes that were in Impel Down. Seeing as who he was related to (Her dearest Luffy could be the devil's son for all she cared! All she knew was that he had respected her as a human being and restored hersef as a human being as well.)

She looks over to the elder former empress of the Kuja tribe and the old woman shook her head. "Elder Nyon?"

"It's your call, Empress. Your people? Or the man you swore loyalty to?" Hancock wants to bash her head on the wall, she may not be able to directly aid her beloved but she can help pull the strings for his grand escape!

"My people..." She smiles.

Sandersonia and Marigold sighed in relief as they gave each other a look. Their sister had a plan that will not jeapordize the safety of their people whilst also helping the only man to have ever respected their wishes and treated them as normal everyday human beings with lives of their own.


*after wild goose chase*

Readers: *corners writer*

Me: HOLD ON! If you end me here then you won't ever get to read the next chapters!!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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