Special: Hatchling's Execution Part 1

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AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE WHERE: Luffy and Ace switch places.

The World Government was asking for a fight with the Whitebeard Pirates, Alabasta, Straw Hats, The Red-haired Pirates, and the Revolutionary Dragon himself.


Ace had told him to be careful... He remembers it as clear as day.

But he didn't know that bastard would actually come after him! Saying stuff like, 'the son of the Revolutionary Dragon' and shits like that. Initially, where did he get that information from?! His Gramps made sure it was under tight wraps! Secondly, how did his rubber body revert to a fleshly one in a second?! Was that Blackbeard's devil fruit!?

Luffy groans in pain as Blackbeard's beefy hand had gripped his neck tightly and lifted his body. "ZEHAHAHAHA! Commander said something about you two being related, when i said i was after you." His earth eyes glossed with pain managed to crack open, glaring at the man who was holding him hostage.

"He had a protective streak, don't you know? His priorities immediately shifted from stalling me to full blown fighting! All because of one boy, huh?" His frail hands manage to make their way up, grabbed and pulled at the man's fingers. A mocking laughter was heard again, "Wow! You're feisty, just like him!" Luffy felt the arm suddenly shove him into the earth below, hard.

Having a coughing fit, Luffy fights to stay concious. He couldn't sleep, or rest, not until someone gets him out of this situation.

'Hancock...!' Firmly planting his claw to the earth, he shakily gets up. Teach towering over him, Luffy couldn't let this guy defeat him! Not with his crew needing him for their next course of action!

He was in the middle of the forest, why did he pick this place again?! No one is near enough for him to call out to! His voice won't... Can't reach!

Black dots slowly took over his vision as Teach's hand reaches out to drag him by the neck.

'Sabo...Ace... Papa... Gomen...'

He never managed to finish his thought.


Portgas D. Ace trembled on the white bed of the Infirmary on the Moby. Looking understandably distraught by the news on the newspaper. In big capitalized and bold letters, read;


He couldn't breathe, He had let Teach get to his baby brother. His promise... He was going to break it! Luffy was probably being tortured while he was here being swarmed by warmth and safety by his crew-siblings and Oyaji... "Ace, it's not your fault. Blackbeard just managed to get the upperhand-"

"THAT MAKES IT EVEN WORSE!" He snapped at the First Division Commander. The sudden yell activated his flare flare devil fruit and burned the newspaper, he buries his face into his hands. There wasn't any words in his dialect or even Marco's to express his feelings.

'God, Sabo... I really am a horrible brother...' He bit his trembling lip.


Somehow, by a miracle, Red-Haired Shanks was reading the daily news paper. In his words, i quote on quote 'Something interesting must have happened!'.

Oh something interesting happened, alright...

Red-Haired Shanks, was now about to change his name from red hair to blood hair. He lets a lifeless cackle out. Sending shivers to anyone who heard it.

This world... This world can't give him a break can it? First, it was his parents... Then it was his Captain... Now... Now it's trying to take away Anchor? His Anchor? The sweet, sincere little boy who he had met on Dawn Island? The one who had effortlessly made his way into his very heavily guarded heart?

Wait... 'Set for execution', right? Set. For. Execution.. RIGHT?! He was grinning like a maniac now...

"Benn, ready a Den Den mushi. We have an announced meeting."

Okay, the first mate spit out his drink and some crew members chokes on their food like Lucky Roo.


We've seen the brothers reaction, the GodFather's reaction...

What about the Revolutionary Family's reaction?

Right now, The Chief of Staff was confused. He was new to his position and was, quite literally, younger than most Revolutionalists'. He doesn't understand why most are breaking down, sniffling, crying endless tears, shouting, punching the walls. Hell, all of this disturbs him and his partners. Who is a Fishman Karate Intsructor and a Fishman too.

Entering the meeting room, some Revolutionalists walking out, biting their lips, eyes dialated in pure horror, and most of all. Regret.

Dragon-san, the Leader of the Revolutionary was practically leaning on his desk for support. Now, that is a sign that this meeting is about something serious. He was given a copy of the latest news article by a silent Betty, who didn't have a ciggarett lit.

Straw Hat Luffy had been captured? What? 'What does Mugiwara have to do with anything?' Oh, Sabo dear, he's the reason why the Revolution exist in the first place. Back to topic. Sabo glances at his mentor with worry, Koala had placed a hand on Hack's shoulder. As if to calm him, why?

His eyes drift back to the newspaper, this time, looking at Straw Hat Luffy's Bounty photo. And...

It was as if... The rusted key had been snatched away from his palms and was replaced with a golden, shiny, and new one. As if he was walking toward the locked door to his missing memories. As if the key had worked. As if...

Back in the outside world Koala was kneeling beside him, he was on the ground now, on his knees. His eyes trained on the wide cheerful smile, his labored breathing echoing to his ears. Memories came rushing back yet it didn't hurt.

He was Outlook Sabo; a former noble, a Revolutionalist, and most importantly....

An Older Brother...

He screams. Yelling in pure despair at the top of his lungs. He has every right to feel this distraught. He had broken his promise on setting sail at the age of 17, refused to unlock his memories because he was scared of being sent back to the noble family he was born in, and most importantly.

He had let his brother get captured.. Chief of Staff? What a joke.


I'm evil...
I'm gonna watch Impeldown and Marineford arc for this. My heart is going to bleed so this better be worth it.

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