Hatchling and The Whitebeard Crew

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Overprotective Dragon-

Ace asks about what his bio Dad was like without the 'oh, he's a demon!', 'he deserved what he got!', 'if he ever had a child, than that kid doesn't deserve to live!' in the way.


So. Let's review.

His son was 5 years of age when he got sent away, probably 6 when he met Shanks. His Godfather, the other Godfather, Buggy, was still causing chaos with his idiotic crew. The Red-Haired Pirates Captain probably didn't even know 'Anchor' was his godson. Imagine his reaction, pfffttt...

Anyway, his son has... Attracted a handful of people as 'nakama', when he said to pursue his own path, he didn't really expect his son to gather people to fill the gaps in which he 'lacks'.

He remembers teaching his son, with the help of the young teen's imagination, a bit on weaponry. Horrible idea, Dragon knows that, although his son has showed so much interest in the more blunt armory. He remembers Kuma patiently teaching his son about coordinates and navigation through treasure hunts and games, he was the best care-taker for his hatchling. He remembers Ivankov teaching his son about disguises and fashion sense, probably because the Okama Queen finally had someone to dress up with. 

They had managed to get out of the Paramount War physically unscathed, why is he saying 'physically'? Well...


'You've grown so strong.'  Thought Dragon, he smiles as his son had grabbed his older brother by the arm and made a run for it. His little Hatchling probably witnessed Soru in action for him to create a technique like Gear Second.

And now he's actually using the technique, "Get him!" Oh no they don't! Someone had knocked out the Marines who pointed their guns towards his Hatchling, probably his Chief of Staff.

Dragon walks over to his son, using small vapors and turning them into solid clouds, he could make a cloud and just fly around on it. His Hatchling always loved being carried with them, said Hatchling didn't notice a large chunk of debris was about to hit him. Only noticing when a shadow had blocked his light.

"Luffy!" He hears Fire Fist call out to the careless teen, the Chief of Staff halting and raised his head, eyes wide with horror. Why? Had his son happen to know the young man before his time with the Revolution?

A gasp escapes his lips as the large chunk of cement was already too close, Luffy closes his eyes to brace himself, but... "Are you all right, Hatchling?" Dragon had pushed him out of the way, his large hand on his back as he was being carried on his broad shoulder.

"Papa!" The young Pirate Captain exclaims excitedly, landing close to the Moby Dick, where Fire Fist and Whitebeard's crew were hurrying to board the allied ships. Dragon sets him down, back on his two feet but Luffy doesn't let go of his hand. Keeping his grip on it like a child, the son walked towards the allied ship(Moby Dick, where Whitebeard was boarded on.) normally, like his most heinous criminal Father wasn't walking along side him.

Fire Fist already boarded the Moby Dick, a message of gratitude might be of order for taking care of his Hatchling, and he feels glad that Fire Fist trust him enough with his baby brother, despite him giving him away and only returning now. Koala had reported that Sabo had passed out and was running a fever, he'll come back later. For now he has some business to take care of.

~Flashback End~

Which leads them here now, his son was telling him stories about his crew members, told him about he had met Shanks(which he already knew), told him about his two brothers(Sabo was his son as well? Maybe he should officially adopt him, Whitebeard already had custody of Ace apparently), a green-haired swordsman who wanted to be the world's greatest after Mihawk(he needs to visit the hawk-eyed man, see how he's doing.), a lying sharpshooter(Yasopp's son? Why hadn't the bastard atleast come back for his wife's funeral?), a blond cook with curly eye-brows(Curly brows, eh? Sounds like a deceased Vinsome prince is actually alive.), a orange-haired navigator who was enslaved by fishman and loves tangerines(again with the orange-haired women being enslaved, give them a break!), a reindeer for a doctor and a user of the Hito-Hito no Mi(mhh... Trust-worthy), a wanted woman for her knowledge of Ohara as an Archeologist(Nico Robin, its a good call that there was a report of her being sighted in East Blue.), a walking skeleton who ate the Revive-Revive no Mi in his human days(His Hatchling has quite... The judge of character..) and a middle-aged Cyborg as a Shipwright(Ah, Flam. How he misses the little tyke.)

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